Does God Want Your Ceiling to Become Your Floor?
by Nathan Shaw
Many people encounter God in profound ways and think of those encounters as the high points of their spiritual experience. It is undoubtedly true that one simple encounter with God can release life-changing revelation. However, many times those encounters are also prophecies. They prophecy the dimensions of glory that God has destined the person to walk in permanently.
Fresh Harvest, New Strategies and Strategic Foundations in 2025
by Nathan Shaw
2025 will be a year of fresh harvest, new strategies and strategic foundations. Although the harvest will be significant, it is the releasing of new strategies, and the laying of strategic foundations, that will lead to a dramatic increase in our effectiveness as workers in God’s harvest fields. Often there has been an over-emphasis on “reaching” and an under-emphasis on “seeing.” People know when we see them. When we reach first without really seeing, the result is converts. When we see first and then reach, the result is disciples. Seeing followed by reaching opens a door of invitation in the spirit. That’s when the work of harvest truly kicks in. Seeing leads to reaching, and reaching leads to gathering.
"Fight! Fight! Fight!" Three Words, Two Miracles
by Nathan Shaw
At 6:11pm on the 13th of July 2024 former President Trump turned his head to look at a chart. In that split second a bullet flew past him, ripping through the top of his ear. It was a high stakes moment. Not only did a bullet came within millimetres of assassinating him, three other bullets hit attendees at the political rally. Two of the attendees were critically injured, and Corey Comperatore, a loved husband and father, was killed while protecting his family from the flying bullets.
A Tale of Two Prophets
by Nathan Shaw
The Bible reveals that the relationship between rulers and prophets is important and strategic. Although the books of 1 and 2 Kings outline the history of Israel’s kings, it is Israel’s prophets who shift the narrative in dramatic ways. Without these prophets 1 and 2 Kings would tell a completely different story. Two prominent examples stand out at the beginning and end of 1 Kings. They are the prophets Nathan and Elijah. These two prophets are not usually considered together, but the writer of 1 Kings highlights them intentionally.
Through the Eyes of the Living Creatures
by Nathan Shaw
The book of Revelation masterfully draws the reader into its revelations. It’s not a book you merely read for information. It’s a book that opens up the Spirit realm and then draws you into it. Quite unexpectedly God whispered this phrase to me: “In the Spirit, through the door, through the eyes.” These three short statements describe something of John’s journey in Revelation. Although the phrase only contains nine words, it reveals a dynamic progression that opens up the realms of the knowledge of God. “In the Spirit,” “through the door,” and, “through the eyes,” all reveal location and perspective. Those who understand location and perspective understand the times. Those who don’t understand location and perspective misinterpret the times.
How Far Forward Is Forward Enough?
by Nathan Shaw
“God is calling you forward, but how far forward is forward enough?” The prophecy was directed at a person sitting in a meeting. I placed a seat in front of the front row and invited the person to take the seat. As she took the seat I continued to say, “God is calling you forward, but how far forward is forward enough?” I took another seat and took it all the way forward until it was facing the wall of the building. The person responded by getting up from her in-front-of-the-front-row seat, walking across the slightly raised platform, and sitting in the newly placed seat. Her prophetic act became an invitation for other people in the meeting.
Through the Door
by Nathan Shaw
One of the first commands that Jesus gave to His newly formed church was to wait for power from on high (Luke 24:49, Acts 1:4). One of the last biblical commands that Jesus gave His church was to step through an already opened door (Revelation 4:1). The command to step through the opened door was actually given to John, but it was given directly after John received very specific instructions for the seven churches (Revelation 2-3). John went through the door as a priestly and prophetic model for these churches.
Restoration and Racism: The Battle Over Identity and Culture
by Nathan Shaw
Two powerful songs release a prophetic intercession that is strategic for our times. One is called “Bring Them Home,” the other is called “I AM.” They are just a small part of a much larger prophetic intercessory cry that God is releasing through His church. It is not insignificant that one of these songs comes from Israel and the other comes from New Zealand. In reference to Israel, New Zealand truly is “the ends of the earth” (Isaiah 42:10, 45:22). Ultimately this intercessory cry will cover the whole earth.
Accessing Provision and Transforming Nations
by Nathan Shaw
God knows what our needs are before we even know we have a need. Recently He showed me three different ways that His provision comes to us. Each type of provision writes a different lesson on our hearts.
Two Words for 2024: Priests and Doors
by Nathan Shaw
God gave me two words for 2024: Priests and doors. The book of Revelation establishes the identity of God’s people as a kingdom of priests (Revelation 1:6). Priests operate in priestly authority. Priestly authority brings about blessing, destiny and redemptive judgment over the nations. Throughout the book of Revelation the reader is confronted with the language of the tabernacle. The connection between priest and tabernacle is obvious: the tabernacle was the domain where priests operated. The earthly tabernacle, along with its furniture, was a copy of a much greater heavenly reality (Hebrews 8:5). Many of these heavenly items take front and center stage in the book of Revelation.
Promise in the Midst of Pain
by Nathan Shaw
I woke up with two Bible scenes in my spirit. The two scenes were superimposed on top of one another, almost like they were one and the same scene. The first scene was Abram contending with God because he was childless (Genesis 15:2-3). The second scene was Hannah interceding before God because she also was childless (1 Samuel 1:10-11). Although both scenes are similar I had not put them together before. Sometimes God communicates by connecting passages of Scripture that we have not connected. It’s His way of saying, “See, I know the Bible much better than you do, and if I know the Bible and its cast of characters so well, surely I know your situation and your circumstances equally as well.” Abram’s and Hannah’s unified cry is a small picture of the many similar cries that have come before God down through the ages.
The Identity Generation
by Nathan Shaw
We are witnessing a fierce demonic assignment hell-bent on systematically destroying the identity of a generation. There are, however, two assignments operating: a heavenly one, and a demonic one—and the heavenly one comes directly from the heart of the Father. Despite the current identity crisis, I hear the Father say, “Call this generation the identity generation, because that is what I call them.” The Father’s heavenly assignment carries a profound authority to awaken a generation to their true identity.
Mantles and Seats
by Nathan Shaw
Intense battles are raging over the destiny of nations and the destiny of generations. As God’s people it is increasingly important that we discern mantles and seats. A mantle is a supernatural endowment from God to fulfill a specific task. Elijah had a mantle that enabled him to operate as a prophet to Israel and confront the rampant idolatry of his time. A mantle is something that is worn. It is an item of spiritual clothing. Seats are different than mantles. A seat is a position of authority in the spirit realm. Just like God gives specific mantles to specific individuals, He also prepares specific people for specific seats. The wrong person in the wrong seat leads to many problems. The right person in the right seat leads to great blessing for humanity.
Movement, Momentum and Miracles
by Nathan Shaw
God whispered three words into my spirit—movement, momentum and miracles. This progression can be seen in the process of creation, the ministry of Jesus, and the ministry of the early church.
Riddles Revealing God’s Heart
by Nathan Shaw
Recently God kept speaking to me using the same word twice. The simple statements were like riddles that had layers of meaning. The three things He spoke to me were: “Change and change,” “Way and way,” and “Well and well.”
Heavenly Initiatives to Look For in 2023
by Nathan Shaw
2023 will be marked by continuing geopolitical upheaval. The resulting turmoil will continue to dominate news headlines. It will be easy to get distracted by the headlines, but it is important to know the agenda of heaven. What is heaven initiating and endorsing in 2023? God highlighted four things to me.
Shaking and Awakening
by Nathan Shaw
Recently God spoke to me: “The nations are entering a period of intense shaking. Economies, societies, governments and institutions will all shake. Do not be distracted by the shaking, for in the midst of the shaking there is an awakening. Many of My people will grab hold of their destinies and declare My purposes for their lives. They will speak to the chains that shackle them and say, ‘You will be no longer. I am here to run to the front lines. I will not be shackled and I will not be muzzled.’”
A Time of Great Reversals
(The Legacy of Queen Elizabeth II)
by Nathan Shaw
In a period of two days the United Kingdom went from having a female Monarch and male Prime Minister (6th September, 2022), to having a male Monarch and female Prime Minister (8th September, 2022). This is a prophetic sign of great reversals. Queen Elizabeth’s last official act before her passing was to appoint Liz Truss as Prime Minister of the United Kingdom. God highlighted the name “Truss” to me with “t” replacing the last “s” and forming the word “trust.” Both ladies share the name Elizabeth, which means consecrated. They also share the name Mary but in reverse order. Queen Elizabeth’s names are "Elizabeth Alexandra Mary." Liz Truss’s names are "Mary Elizabeth." Great reversals are the order of the day.
The Cry, the Staff and the Decree
by Nathan Shaw
Three things brought about Israel’s deliverance from Egypt: the Israelites cry; Moses’ staff; and God’s decree. The deliverance established Israel in her priestly identity. As a priestly nation she carried a staff of authority to confront and challenge the demonic rulers that enslaved the nations. Israel was not only a priestly nation, she was also a prophetic prototype. We live in a time when the cry of God’s people, the staff of deliverers, and the decree of God will combine to release great freedom on the earth.
Lies, Ties and False Claims
by Nathan Shaw
I woke up shouting, “I break it! I break it! I break it!” I was astonished at the authority in my voice. In a split second I had gone from sleeping and dreaming, to awake and interceding with authority. The details of the dream were not in sharp focus, but the revelation I received was as clear as day: Satan has a three-pronged strategy to keep people, churches and nations from walking in their destinies. The three-pronged strategy is lies, ties and false claims. There is a release of revelation and authority directly from heaven to break the power of this strategy over our lives. Two primary inroads that Satan uses are relationships and ways of thinking.
Assignments in the Light
by Nathan Shaw
“Assignments in the light”—it’s a simple phrase, and one that God keeps speaking to me. Many assignments are being released to God’s people right now. These assignments can be discovered by simply stepping into the light. In Revelation chapter 1 John was given a specific assignment: “What you see, write in a book and send it to the seven churches which are in Asia” (Revelation 1:11). The assignment was given directly from the glorified Jesus. John was overcome by the intense glory emanating from Jesus and fell prostrate as though dead. John described the glory as having the brilliance of the sun shining in its full strength. It goes without saying that John’s assignment was given in the light. In fact, the brilliance of this light serves as the backdrop for everything else revealed in the book of Revelation. Unfortunately too many lose sight of this light and become darkened in their minds.
Four Things to Expect in 2022 and Beyond
by Nathan Shaw
Here are four things we can expect to see in 2022:
Beware of the Political Spirit
by Nathan Shaw
Note well: This article is not for or against COVID-19 vaccines. God has not trumpeted any specific warning to me—either to take the vaccine, or not to take the vaccine. This does not mean that He isn’t trumpeting those messages to others. I can only release that which God speaks to me. Of far greater concern than the vaccine is the political spirit that is attempting to sow discord in the body of Christ. Let me ask an important question: Is God more concerned whether we are for or against a vaccine, or is He more concerned whether or not we are succumbing to a political spirit?
The Healing Mandate for Our Times
by Nathan Shaw
Recently I have been stirred about God’s healing mandate for our times. I found myself inquiring and crying out, “How can we position ourselves for this mandate?” In response God highlighted two prophets: Habakkuk and John the Baptist. Prophets both have a message and are a message. Habakkuk and John the Baptist prophesy to us today through their words and their lives. They are men of faith, cheering us on from the great cloud of witnesses (Hebrews 12:1).
God’s Plan for the Nations: From the Life of Joseph
by Nathan Shaw
From Genesis to Revelation the Bible reveals God’s ultimate plan for the nations of the earth. Genesis reveals the foundation, Revelation reveals the culmination. To properly understand God’s heart of redemption for the nations, Genesis needs to be set securely as the foundation. The ancient Israelites were well acquainted with their sacred writings and the larger narrative presented by each book.
The Joseph Company: A New Breed of Entrepreneurs
by Nathan Shaw
We are in a season of intense exposure. In fact, the exposure has only just begun. Corruption has its own complexity and exposing it requires uncovering levels and layers. It’s time for the light to shine and penetrate through this web of darkness. Many of the layers of corruption yet to be exposed will be so shocking that many will find it hard to trust again. Into this environment God is positioning a new breed of men and women—a Joseph company who carry an entrepreneurial anointing specific for our times.
Let Me Set Your Boundaries
by Nathan Shaw
When God delivered the Israelites from the bondage of slavery in Egypt it was only a partial deliverance. The reason is simple: God delivers us not only out of something but also into something—in the case of the Israelites, out of Egypt and into the Promised Land. Even before they came near the Promised Land God declared: “I will set your boundaries from the Red Sea to the sea of the Philistines, and from the desert to the River, for I will deliver the inhabitants of the land into your hand, and you will drive them out before you” (Exodus 23:31 NET). As I read this awesome promise I heard God speak directly to me: “Let Me set your boundaries.”
Prophetic Correction or Assignments of Accusation?
by Nathan Shaw
Recently God spoke to me in the middle of a meeting: “Assignments of accusation are operating under the umbrella of prophetic correction.” I reached for a piece of paper and jotted the revelation down while it was still clear in my mind. I knew that the assignments of accusation were being released globally and were seeking to escalate tensions within the body of Christ. It’s a clever strategy of the enemy to disguise accusation by wrapping it up in something that seems righteous. At the end of the day, no matter what form accusation comes in, it is still accusation.
Forget Me Not: A Vision
by Sue Nesbit
Distractions constantly capture and divert our focus away from the Lord. Many years ago God directed me to do a simple exercise for a set period of time each day. For the duration of the time I was not to utter a single word or make any sound, I was simply to focus on Him. I started by making myself comfortable. As I focused on Jesus I became aware of His presence. After a time my mind began to drift and the awareness of His presence dissipated. I hauled my focus back toward Him and the awareness of His presence returned.
“It’s Over”…Or was it?
by Nathan Shaw
When Jesus was crucified many believed it was over. Three and a half years of profound miracles, healings and restorations came to a grinding halt. Although despair reigned in many people's hearts, something phenomenal was happening in the unseen realm. Jesus wrested control from Satan. Satan’s dominion over humankind was decisively crushed (Colossians 2:13-15).
Days of Demonstration and Wonder
by Sue Nesbit
We live in challenging times. The world is changing at a rapid pace and moral decline is rampant. Regardless, God has a detailed plan—a good one. He summons each generation to take part in His plan. “Who acts and carries out decrees? Who summons the successive generations from the beginning? I, the LORD, am present at the very beginning, and at the very end — I am the one” (Isaiah 41:4 NET).
Accessing the Mountain of the Lord
by Nathan Shaw
Earlier this year a prophet shared with me how God had instructed her to eat a page from her Bible as a prophetic act. I asked her, “What page did you eat?” She answered, “Isaiah chapter 1.” Instantly the thought came to me, “If she ate Isaiah 1 then most likely she also ate Isaiah 2.” In most Bibles Isaiah 1 appears on the front of a page and continues onto the back. The page then ends with the start of Isaiah 2. Side by side Isaiah chapters 1 and 2 present a dramatic picture.
Jill Austin and the Power of Story
by Nathan Shaw
Story is powerful. Story shapes nations, cultures and generations. Jesus conveyed His message through story. Of course this is not at all surprising—Jesus was the living Word who became flesh and dwelt among us. History tells God’s story of redemption. The story is gutsy and raw. It’s definitely not for the faint-hearted. Multi-layered and exquisitely textured, it is still being written.
From Failure to Divine Appointment
by Sue Nesbit
Moses was an anomaly—a Hebrew who grew up in Pharaoh's household. The Hebrews were slaves. The Egyptians were cruel taskmasters. Grieved at the continual injustice he witnessed, Moses snapped. He killed and buried an Egyptian. Although his action was discreet it was still seen by two Hebrew men. The Hebrew men turned against him. In fear Moses fled to Midian. When Pharaoh heard, he sought to kill Moses.
It’s Time for the Church to Have a Voice
by Nathan Shaw
Pentecost gave the Church a voice. The voice had authority. The voice penetrated to the heart of Jerusalem (Acts 5:28, 6:7). People had two options: hear the voice or resist the voice. There was no force or manipulative coercion. Each person had to make their own free will decision. Those who responded to the voice were radically transformed. The motives of those who resisted the voice were exposed. Because Jerusalem was a governmental center the impact began to shake and shift the nation. Persecution only multiplied the impact.
Believing in Miracles is a Gift from God
by Nathan Shaw
Four years ago I heard Donald Trump make the statement, “It’s gonna be HUGE!” A few weeks later I was praying for this generation and I heard God say, “It's gonna be HUGE!” Suddenly the phrase was loaded with prophetic significance. God has big plans for this generation. On the 25th of August 2020 Tiffany Trump said, “Believing in miracles is a gift from God.” When I heard the phrase I instantly knew its prophetic significance. Believing in miracles is a gift God is releasing to a new generation. Interestingly, the name Tiffany comes from the Greek “theophania” which means “a manifestation or appearance of God.” Throughout history the enemies of God’s people change, but the mandate to reveal God in supernatural ways does not.
Legacy, Judgment and Prophecy
by Nathan Shaw
I can’t recount the number of times that prophetic words have come out of my mouth that did not reflect my perspective about the person. Our perspective and God’s mercy can be poles apart. Even when a person or nation deserves the consequences of their sin, God is incredibly merciful. It’s easy to prophesy consequences for sinful behavior, however, sin has its own consequences and we must be careful not to wrongly add prophetic weight to them. The consequences of sin can teach a person the wisdom of righteous living, but so can the mercy of God.
Decree or Cry
by Sue Nesbit
Have you ever experienced a deep agony, a desperate situation, an oppressive bondage, a painful injustice, or a deep intercession? Sometimes pain is just too deep, and the resulting heart cries too intense, to express with words. Even Jesus experienced deep agony, vehement cries and tears (Hebrews 5:7-10). Despite this reality the Bible also exhorts us to decree God’s purposes. I have experienced both deep agony and authoritative decrees many times in my life. There is no contradiction between cries and decrees. In fact sometimes the two almost become one.
Not Understood
by Thomas Bracken
Not understood. We move along asunder,
Our paths grow wider as the seasons creep
Along the years; we marvel and we wonder
Why life is life? and then we fall asleep,
Not understood.
Pentecost 2020: A Significant Demarcation Point for the Church
by Nathan Shaw
2020 is a year of major transition. During Easter 2020 the world was largely shut down due to fear. During the first Easter the disciples lived in great fear—they fled when the authorities arrested Jesus and remained hidden after Jesus’ resurrection (Mark 14:50, John 20:19, 26). 50 days after Easter was the feast of Pentecost. Holy Spirit invaded 120 praying believers in an upper room. The fledgling church was empowered with great boldness despite strong opposition. Likewise, in 2020, we are moving from the fear and uncertainty of Easter, to the faith and certainty of Pentecost. Pentecost 2020 is a significant demarcation point for the church.
Legislating Against the Unborn and the Hidden Power of Forgiveness
by Sue Nesbit
Recently radical new abortion laws were made in my nation. My heart was broken before the Lord. He cautioned me not to judge the lawmakers with a critical heart. God is a righteous judge and as Christians we are called to assess whether something is righteous or not (John 5:30). We are also warned not to judge with a critical heart (Luke 6:37).
Everything Will Be Different
by Nathan Shaw
Two thousand years ago John the Baptist and Jesus initiated a seismic shift that still reverberates today. They came with a simple message—repent for the kingdom of God is here. The earth was forever changed. There was no going back. 2020 is a year of seismic shifts. The world is in transition. We can expect to see dramatic shifts spiritually, economically and politically.
Beacons of Hope
by Deborah
15th March 2020
As I prayed about the terrible situation of the world with the corona-virus pandemic, I was taken up and brought to the throne room. I stood in front of the throne and saw multitudes of people going through a gate. Many were crying and the sick were lying around. The atmosphere around them was oppressive. I turned because I felt the presence of the Lion of Judah standing to the side. He was huge and majestic. He looked at me with His beautiful blue eyes. I knew in my heart that a special assignment was about to be released. He opened His mouth and roared with tremendous might. The sound hit me like a shock wave, although the impact was a positive one. I knew it was the sound of hope. He nodded in agreement and continued to roar.
It’s Not the Time to be Limited
by Nathan Shaw
Last week I distinctly heard God say, “It’s not the time to be limited.” The world is in the midst of a global virus pandemic. Apart from essential services my nation is in lock down. For the most part we are confined to our homes. Evidently God is not phased. His perspective is often radically different to our own. John was in a similar situation when he experienced the supernatural encounters recorded in the book of Revelation. John was in exile on a small island called Patmos. In the natural realm he was limited. The spirit realm, however, remained wide open.
Encountering God in Times of Chaos and Anxiety
by Sue Nesbit
Encounter in Australia
At the beginning of this year I spent some time with my family in Canberra, Australia. Fires were raging out of control in many parts of Australia, ravaging the land, destroying homes, and bringing an increase of death. High temperatures increased the intensity of the fires. Canberra was shrouded in smoke. Normally a pollution level of 200 is considered hazardous. The pollution levels were at 7000! Many attractions were closed. People were on high alert, ready to evacuate if necessary. As fear increased, people bought extra food, withdrew cash and filled their cars with petrol. I experienced the intensity of Australia’s distress, grief, fragility and vulnerability as everything seemed to unravel. It shook me to the core.
Contagious Love or Contagious Fear: Responding to the Coronavirus Pandemic
by Nathan Shaw
Everyone’s talking about coronavirus. It’s a world-wide pandemic with the potential to escalate out of control in any nation. Because it’s on everyone’s mind we easily connect with others over it, whether they are friends or strangers. In the midst of the chaos, uncertainty and change there are three important questions to ask.
History: The Greatest Prophecy
by Nathan Shaw
Have you ever been on a journey and not realized until well into the journey? This happened to me over the last three years.
- In 2017 I woke up one morning and heard God say, “If you don’t follow the traces, you won’t discover history.”
- In 2018 God highlighted the importance of accessing heaven’s libraries. I had just moved house. God told me to speak “Mahaniam” over the house. Mahaniam means the place of the double camp. It was the place where Jacob camped and encountered a second camp—the angels of God (Genesis 32:1-2). Mahanaim is about the supernatural realm overshadowing the natural realm. My new house had a separate room for my library. As a deliberate act of faith I would step into the library as if I was also stepping into heaven’s libraries.
- In 2019 God spoke to me about 50 year cycles in the history of New Zealand. God’s Spirit had moved in significant ways in each of the 50 year periods. Viewed together they formed a beautiful tapestry of God’s redemptive purposes for New Zealand. In fact, the tapestry was a prophecy about the identity and destiny of the nation.
Although God had spoken these things to me in 2017, 2018 and 2019, I never saw the connection until 2020.
Before the Throne: An Encounter
by Deborah
I was at the back of an enormous room filled with a multitude of people. A kingdom anthem reverberated all around me. It felt like I was actually within the song and part of the multitude worshiping Him.
I see Your kingdom come like the dawn of the morning, Your presence like the mist after the rain.
I see the throne with angels prostrate before the King of Kings and Maker of the Universe.
I see the book of life open and the living Word reading the names which are recorded in it.
I see the scribes of heaven searching through scrolls—the scrolls of those who are earnestly seeking to manifest all that was written about them from before the beginning of the world.
A New Era of Extravagance
by Nathan Shaw
The best wines take time to mature. In Bible days the best wines were served at the start of a celebration. Only later were everyday wines served. John chapter 2 records the proceedings of a wedding in Cana of Galilee (John 2:1-11). Jesus and His disciples were among the guests at the wedding. Things were going fine but then the unexpected happened: they ran out of wine—both expensive mature wine, and normal everyday wine. It was an extremely embarrassing situation for the hosts.
A Plumb Line Between Heaven and Earth
by Nathan Shaw
God sent Jeremiah to the potter’s house to hear the word of the Lord. Jeremiah found the potter fashioning a clay pot that was centered on the potter’s wheel (Jeremiah 18:1-3). Symbolically, God was the potter and Israel was the clay pot.
Recently I was in an artist’s workroom. I saw a vision of a plumb line in the center of the room. After a time the plumb line changed and became like Jacob’s ladder, giving access between heaven and earth (Genesis 28:12). In Jacob’s dream he saw angels ascending and descending on a ladder between earth and heaven. In my vision the simultaneous up and down movement of this access way was intense—it was like it had the intensity of a whirlwind and an atomic reactor combined (Hebrews 1:7).
2020: A Year of Seismic Shifts
by Nathan Shaw
We live in a significant time of transition. Many things are shaking and will continue to shake. Times of transition are often turbulent. Transition is an in-between period. It takes us from one reality or dynamic to another. If we over-focus on the turbulence it’s easy to become disorientated. If, instead, we focus on where the transition is taking us, we become prophetic beacons of hope. 2020 is a hugely significant year. It will be marked by several seismic shifts among God’s people and within society as a whole.
The Mandate to Restore the Earth – Nathan Shaw
God is green. He loves the earth (Genesis 1). There is a new generation rising with a restoration mandate that will even impact the earth. There are two types of green—one is demonically inspired, the other comes from the heart of Creator God. One is motivated by a bitterness that will give way to unbridled rage. The other is motivated by a love that will bring an incredible, supernatural peace. The difference between the two will become increasingly obvious in the days ahead.
The Fountains of the Deep – Deborah
Vision Received 7th April 2019
I was walking on a path in a mountainous region. Eventually I came to an opening between several huge rocks. A being stood before the opening, beckoning for me to come. I approached tentatively, unsure about that which awaited me. The opening glowed when I moved closer. It was a doorway into another realm. The being was covered in mist so I could not see the face. I suddenly became aware of the frequency and recognized it. It was Faith. I inquired, “Is that you, Faith?” She replied, “Come!” It was an invitation, but also a challenge.
Discerning Times and Seasons – Nathan Shaw
God’s prophetic time clock is ticking. He is aligning the nations for His, and their, purposes. When we prophesy over individuals, churches, cities or nations, it is important to discern the season each is in. In fact, releasing accurate prophetic information, without correctly discerning the season, can cause much harm. It is easy to assume that other people, churches etc. are in the same season that we are in. Succumbing to this mistake can result in giving a wrong word, or even a right word, but with a wrong emphasis.
Governmental Shifts, Contention and Promotion – Nathan Shaw
In the dream I was driving a car. My co-pastor was in the passenger seat. My mum was in the back seat. In front of us was a car driven by a lady. The lady was intent on preventing us from getting ahead. I moved into the right lane and proceeded to pass her car (in New Zealand we drive on the left hand side of the road). As I did so a third car came unexpectedly from behind. The third car was moving very fast and seemed oblivious to my car. It whipped in-between my car and the car I was passing, forcing me to maneuver off the edge of the road.
The Gate of Maturity – Deborah
The Sound Gate – 20th January 2019
I remembered a previous invitation to come up through the sound gate. While listening to an awesome song I felt drawn and saw the gate opening for me. I stepped through the gate of thanksgiving and praise. I could feel the difference in the frequency after I stepped over the threshold of the door. Instead of stepping into the bliss of worshiping the Lord, I stepped onto a path full off thorns and sharp stones. I was confused. I could see soft grass ahead of me, so I made a decision to push through. I really wanted to reach the soft grass, but even although I walked, and walked, I could not reach it.
A New Generation of Freedom Fighters – Nathan Shaw
Christians are called to be peacemakers (Matthew 5:9). A peacemaker is often required to confront various people and situations. One of the biggest confrontations in the Bible was between Elijah and King Ahab. Elijah confronted Ahab directly. He boldly declared that there would be no rain except at his word. No rain meant no harvest. No harvest meant no provision. The confrontation was over Israel’s source of provision. There were two options: Baal, the god of the storm cloud; or Yahweh, the God who rides the clouds (Deuteronomy 33:26, Psalm 68:4). Israel had fallen to the worship of Baal and looked to him as their source of provision.
The Glass Staircase – Deborah
Vision Received December 2018
Before me was a staircase made of glass. I ascended the staircase while singing in tongues. The staircase was some type of heavenly sound scale. I could feel beings joining me. I could not see them but I could hear their supersonic sounds and frequencies. Suddenly I was joined by sound beings. As soon as I realized this I could see them as well. How amazing...I could see sound!
Walking in Governmental Authority: Three Tests – Nathan Shaw
Joseph is a model of walking in governmental authority. God raised him up to lead Egypt through a devastating crisis. Multitudes of lives were spared because of his wisdom and leadership. However, Joseph’s journey was not an easy one. Joseph endured three massive tests:
- The test of jealousy.
- The test of false accusation.
- The test of being forgotten or ignored.
God is raising up many who will walk in great authority. He has an answer for the crises that are coming to the nations of the earth. Right now Josephs are being prepared in hiddenness.
Destiny Scrolls and God's Generals – Deborah
I saw scrolls coming out of the glory cloud. There were people in the cloud. The people were part of the cloud of witnesses mentioned in Hebrews 12:1. I knew that the scrolls were destiny scrolls, but I did not know who the scrolls were for. Then I heard a loud voice say, “Those who have ears to hear, must listen! It is time for the destiny scrolls to be revealed. The scrolls are for those who have been prepared for such a time as this. Those who have the destiny scrolls have the keys already. The keys will unlock the storerooms of heaven. The provision is not just for their personal lives but for the kingly anointing I have given them. This is the time for governing. Everything until this time has been exercise, designed to build character and stamina. Now it is time for the generals to come forth and take their rightful place.” As He spoke the host of heaven erupted with clapping and cheering, declaring with great jubilation, “Finally, it is time, it is time!”
Expect the Unexpected in 2019 – Nathan Shaw
Expect the unexpected. Not only does the statement have a nice ring about it, it is also totally biblical. Every year unexpected events change history. But not only that, they also change individuals lives and stories. God specializes in unexpected. Elijah’s life is a prophetic model. From beginning to end Elijah’s story is full of unexpected events. James makes a bold claim about Elijah: He was a man with a nature like ours (James 5:17). And yet God used him to confront the high level demonic assignment that was operating through Queen Jezebel.
A New Pentecost and a New Reformation: 2019 and Beyond – Nathan Shaw
Two thousand years ago God poured out His Spirit on 120 believers in Jerusalem. We know it as the day of Pentecost. It was the start of an atomic explosion of glory that went to the ends of the earth. Five hundred years ago the foundations of the Western church were hugely shaken through the Reformation. The foundational truth of the Reformation: the just shall live by faith. It was a rediscovery of a first century message that had become increasingly maligned in the centuries that followed. One simple truth undid over a thousand years of institutional Christianity. That which we are stepping into will be seen as both a new Pentecost and a new Reformation.
Face of Jesus Encounter – Nathan Shaw
The most powerful God encounter I have experienced was when the face of Jesus appeared on a dormitory wall in the South Pacific nation of Vanuatu. At the time I was ministering with a group of children aged from 9 to 13. The children had diligently prepared very anointed dances for some large outreach meetings. One of the boys names was Humphries.
Abel and the Power of Firstfruits – Nathan Shaw
The Witness of Enoch and Abel
Recently there has been an increased emphasis on the significance of Enoch. Enoch is one of the many witnesses who surround us (Hebrews 11:5, 12:1). His message and his witness are strategic for our times. There is a second witness that is strategically important. That is the witness of Adam’s son, Abel (Hebrews 11:4). Abel’s witness will become more prominent in the days ahead. The combined witness of Abel and Enoch will cause a dramatic increase of faith on the earth.
Prophetic Art and the Realms of God – Nathan Shaw
In my dream I was in an artist’s display studio. Directly in front of me, displayed on an easel, was a painting of a broad valley. The valley rose gradually into hills and mountains on either side and also into the distance. It was tussock country—rustic, barren and beautiful. In the exact center of the valley was a road which disappeared into the distance. The road merged perfectly with the scenery, almost as if it was suppose to be there. Under the painting the caption read, “This road doesn’t exist...yet.”
Two Generations, One Mandate – Nathan Shaw
Recently I have repeatedly heard God say, “I am releasing a grace to take people out of the generation that doesn’t possess the land and put them in the generation that does.” Two generations of Israelites were involved in the transition from Egypt to the Promised Land. The first generation died in the wilderness. The second generation entered the Promised Land. The exact same mandate to possess the land was given to both generations. However, both generations were markedly different in speech, in mindset, and in action.
Mahanaim: The Place of the Double Camp – Nathan Shaw
Christians are citizens of two realms: Earthly and heavenly (Philippians 3:20). This dual citizenship makes us unique. Most Christians are more familiar with their earthly citizenship than their heavenly citizenship. This is about to change. God wants to open up the Spirit realm and take us to a new place in Him. This was made particularly clear to me through a recent event in my own life.
Enoch and the Restoration of All Things – Deborah
Vision received 12th April 2018
I stepped through the waterfall and once again found myself in a hallway. Gemstones released their beautiful light. As I walked past them their frequency reverberated deeply within me. In the far distance I saw a door and a light shining from within it. I looked closer and realized that it was not as far as I had first thought. It was a gateway into a different dimension. I could see the universe and different pictures of the Lion of Judah through the door. The eyes of the Lion stood out. They were the most incredible blue. Although I could see behind the door it was only a kind of preview. I continued to walk at a leisurely pace, but I was also confident and full of purpose. I was walking in rest! A pulsating energy went through me and became stronger. I could feel it in my physical body as well!
The Prominence of Healing on the Father’s Heart – Nathan Shaw
Since the great healing revival of the late 1940s many anointed men and women have championed the ministry of healing. However, controversy has always been close by. Most of the controversy has been around three issues:
- Whether or not claims of healing were genuine.
- The lifestyles of prominent healers.
- Biblical theology about healing.
Rather than getting embroiled in controversies we need to answer a simple question: How important is healing to the Father?
A Conflict of Two Mountains – Nathan Shaw
When Caleb was 85 years old he made a bold request—“Give me this mountain!” (Joshua 14:12). Caleb was asking for the opportunity to conquer the city of Hebron. Hebron was the strongest stronghold in Canaan. It was the residence of the three sons of Anak—legendary warriors of great renown. Just the mention of them struck fear in all the surrounding regions. Hebron was also the highest city in the land of Canaan. It was situated near the top of a mountain range that was over 3000 feet above sea level.
In the ancient world mountains were seats of government. Different mountains were associated with different gods. Hebron was a demonic seat of government that ruled through fear and intimidation. The sons of Anak were not only men of great stature and strength, they were demonically empowered. This wasn’t a battle for the fainthearted. What gave Caleb the audacity to ask for Hebron? Caleb understood something about seats of government that was revolutionary. To understand his bold request we need to go back forty years earlier and stand at the foot of another mountain—Mount Sinai.
Prophetic Ministry Is Going To A New Level – Nathan Shaw
Radical changes are coming to the depth and focus of prophetic ministry. In recent decades the church has come to understand and appreciate the importance of prophetic ministry. During this time many good foundations have been laid. However, we are stepping into dimensions that far surpass present realities. Two strategic foundations will take greater prominence:
- The prophetic power of blessing.
- The importance and significance of standing in God’s council.
Eagles and Crows – Deborah
Vision Received 4th December 2017
I heard a voice say, “Come up and see.”
When I entered heaven I saw a very unusual scene: A battle in the heavens but displayed on a huge L.E.D. screen. All of heaven was watching. There were thousands of eagles engaged in a fight with crows. The eagles represented prophetic and intercessory ministry and the crows represented unclean thoughts and deeds. There were many more crows than eagles and the battle was fierce. Many eagles dropped out of the fight wounded or even dead. I stood there totally shocked.
2018: A Year of Unexpected and Extraordinary Turnarounds – Nathan Shaw
In 2018 there are going to be many sudden, dramatic and unexpected turnarounds as God tips things in our favor. A few years ago the enemy took some things from me. It was a multi-pronged assignment that targeted several areas of my life simultaneously. The emotional impact was huge. In the midst of it God gave me a dream. In the dream I was talking on the phone with a lady called Mrs. Tipper. Mrs. Tipper was very excited because she knew God was going to move in three strategic areas of my life. They were the exact areas the enemy had targeted. God was reassuring me that things would not remain the way they were. It was His way of giving me a “tip-off” about the future. Two weeks later God spoke to me and said, “I’m going to tip things in your favor.” Sometimes it looks like everything is going totally wrong and then God surprises us by using the mess to tip things in our favor.
Word for 2018: Take Up the Jawbone of a Donkey – Nathan Shaw
Recently I have been asking God about the year 2018. In a dream He showed me a coin. Written on the coin were the words, “Take up the jawbone of a donkey.” The phrase refers to Samson killing a thousand Philistines with the jawbone of a donkey (Judges 15:15)! God is going to do some surprising things in 2018. There will be significant and surprising breakthroughs in politics, in churches, in ministries, in businesses and in individual lives.
Mantles and Influence – Nathan Shaw
This generation will be marked by an unprecedented release of mantles from heaven. These mantles will be used to halt the plans of the enemy and establish God’s government on the earth. One of the clearest biblical examples of the influence of a mantle is the prophet Elijah. Elisha also carried Elijah’s mantle (2 Kings 2:1-15). These two prophets were feared and respected by kings and people alike. David received a mantle from God when Samuel anointed him to be king of Israel (2 Samuel 16:13). David was still young when this happened. He didn’t become king until many years later. In the meantime his life was shaped by the mantle he carried. Mantles carry authority, movement and revelation.
Michael Jackson, Mantles and Creativity – Nathan Shaw
“Michael Jackson’s mantle is available if you want it.” The statement came as a surprise. I certainly wasn’t expecting God to tell me that. God often speaks to me in unexpected ways and at unexpected moments, and interestingly enough, often when I’m not specifically focused on Him. But this time I was in an anointed atmosphere and caught up in worship. Joshua Mills was leading the time of worship and the glory of God was tangible. Many would be shocked to think that Michael Jackson had a mantle from God, and maybe even more surprised to hear that that mantle was available to those who wanted it. Regardless, I’ve learned to trust that which God speaks to me.
Strategic Connections – Nathan Shaw
Strategic connections are game changers. They open doors of opportunity that didn’t exist previously. Sometimes it can seem like nothing has happened for years—and then suddenly an unexpected connection changes everything. We are about to see a dramatic increase of strategic connections.
Mary of Bethany: A Prophetic Model to an End-time Generation – Nathan Shaw
Mary of Bethany is definitely one of my favorite bible characters. I love her extravagant devotion to Jesus. Jesus gave His twelve disciples authority to perform dramatic signs and wonders (Matthew 10:1). The sick were healed and the demonized were set free. No such thing is recorded about Mary. She is distinguished simply because she is so often at the feet of Jesus (Luke 10:39, John 11:32, 12:3).
Father, Warrior, and Consuming Fire – Nathan Shaw
I love watching God encounter people by His Spirit. I have often seen God simultaneously encounter people in a meeting and reveal Himself in totally different ways to each person. The book of Acts paints a similar picture.
In Acts chapter 2 the Holy Spirit rushed upon 120 believers and gave them a voice—“We hear them speaking in our own tongues the wonderful works of God” (Acts 2:11). This was the start of a chain reaction. The new found boldness in the lives of the 120 led to 3000 people being “cut to the heart,” baptized in water, and initiated into a radical new lifestyle (Acts 2:37-47). But that still wasn’t the end.
Prophecy, History, and Anointed Scholarship – Nathan Shaw
Recently I woke up with the following phrase in my mind, “If you don’t follow the traces, you won’t discover history.” God highlighted two things to me:
- Firstly, the importance of understanding history. Those who understand history have a much greater prophetic authority than those who don’t. History is not a mystery to God. With His help we can correctly discern the past, the present, and the future.
- Secondly, God is raising up voices from among those who are diligent students of biblical and secular history. They will speak with a prophetic authority that will bring clarity to areas of confusion and misunderstanding.
Meeting the Seven Spirits of God – Deborah
The prophet Isaiah reveals seven aspects of God's Spirit (Isaiah 11:2).
- The Spirit of the LORD.
- The Spirit of Wisdom.
- The Spirit of Understanding.
- The Spirit of Counsel.
- The Spirit of Might.
- The Spirit of Knowledge.
- The Spirit of the Fear of the LORD.
In the experiences that follow I meet with the Seven Spirits and learn important lessons from them.
Prophecy Isn't Protest, It's Governmental Decree – Nathan Shaw
Recently I woke up and heard God say, “Prophecy isn’t protest, it’s governmental decree.” I was intrigued and a little puzzled. I inquired of God. He highlighted two people to me: King David and the prophet Nathan. Nathan is mentioned in connection with two events in David’s life.
The first event is recorded in 2 Samuel 7. David desired to build a temple for God. When Nathan heard David’s desire he responded, “Go, do all that is in your heart, for the LORD is with you” (2 Samuel 7:3). That night God corrected Nathan, revealing that it was Solomon who would build the temple, and not David. At the same time Nathan also received a profound revelation about God’s plan to establish the future of David’s throne (2 Samuel 7:11-16). David’s throne would have an ongoing governmental authority beyond anything the earth had ever known before.
God's Deliverers and the Three Levels of Freedom – Nathan Shaw
Freedom is the rallying cry of many deliverers that God is raising up. Three streams of revelation will become increasingly prominent. These streams mirror the three stages of freedom that Israel experienced as she left Egypt and inherited the Promised Land.
- The first level of freedom involved deliverance from slavery in Egypt.
- The second level of freedom involved learning the ways of God in the wilderness.
- The third level of freedom involved inheriting the Promised Land.
The Joseph Anointing: Prophetic and Entrepreneurial – Nathan Shaw
The nations are entering a time of transition and change. We should not be afraid. God has prepared many “Josephs” in advance. Joseph was God’s secret weapon. He was used to save the ancient world during a time of extreme famine. Some Josephs are already being positioned to handle future crises. Other Josephs will come forth in the midst of crises. Joseph was both prophetic and entrepreneurial. This made him unique. Usually prophets are prophets and entrepreneurs are entrepreneurs. In Joseph these two anointings combined.
The Breaker Anointing – Deborah
I distinctly heard God say, “Get ready to move in the breaker anointing.” I had never heard the term 'breaker anointing' before. I did a search on the internet and found an article by Jill Austin (Click here). Jill’s article confirmed the things God was speaking to me. The breaker anointing causes heaven to break in on the earth. It is time to move in this anointing.
There is a powerful shift happening right now. In the spirit realm there is a gateway of change. This gateway is kept open through prayer. When it is open the things that God has purposed for the earth are released and come into full manifestation. Angelic messengers are released through this doorway. These messengers are intercepted by demonic forces. They depend on our prayers to carry out their assignments.
2017: A Year of Convergence - Nathan Shaw
2017 is a pivotal year in the timing of God. There will be significant and dramatic changes, but this will be a beginning, not an end. Transitions usually cause things to shake. These shakings should not faze us. Rather we need to understand the big picture. When Israel was delivered from Egypt three realities converged:
- God’s prophetic time clock.
- A full measure of iniquity.
- A cry for freedom.
Israel’s deliverance from Egypt and her conquering of the Promised Land were dependent on the convergence of these three realities. These same realities will converge in 2017.
A Season of Profound Encounters and New Authority - Nathan Shaw
There are strategic times and seasons when God encounters His church in unique ways. About twenty years ago God released many profound encounters, strategic destinies and powerful mantles. Many who received these mantles remained hidden. In the intervening years there has been a deep work of maturity. Now is the time when they will begin to walk in the full authority of their mantles. Jacob’s life is a prophetic model.
In Genesis 28 Jacob had a profound dream (Genesis 28:12-17). In the dream three images were highlighted to him:
- A stairway.
- Angels ascending and descending.
- The LORD (Yahweh).
A New Sound and the Armor of Light - Nathan Shaw
Recently God gave me the following dream:
A young lady was playing a guitar and singing a song from the front of a church. She had red hair. The song was one that she had written previously but she sung it differently than before. The rhythm was slower than the original composition. It was very anointed and drew people into deep and engaged worship. There were two pillars at the front of the church. Painted—one on each pillar—were two angels. The angels were distributing God's armor of light.
The young lady represents a company of men and women with a psalmist anointing. Many of these psalmists are already anointed but they will begin to sing in a new way. It will activate the angelic realm and release great authority. In Genesis 1 the mandate to have dominion over the earth was given to both Adam and Eve (Genesis 1:26-28). When men and women walk together in their God ordained authority the result is dominion. A new sound will come forth from men and women that will release this dominion.
Three Spiritual Governments - Nathan Shaw
There are three dynamic spiritual governments operating in the church today. These three governments also operated in the time of King Saul. All three of them are charismatic. All three of them are supernaturally empowered. In the time of King Saul these governments were represented by Samuel, Saul and David. These three men carried great authority and were surrounded by like minded disciples. I describe them as follows:
- Samuel and the ecstatic prophets.
- Saul and the ambitious nation.
- David and the mighty men.
It's Gonna Be HUGE! – Nathan Shaw
Recently I saw an interview with Republican presidential nominee, Donald Trump. I particularly noticed Trump's phrase, “It's gonna be HUGE!” A few weeks later I was praying for this generation and I heard God say, “It's gonna be HUGE!” Suddenly the phrase was loaded with prophetic significance. Huge shifts are about to take place in the nations—both politically and spiritually. God has a plan for the nations and he is strategically positioning them like chess pieces on a chess board. God gave me two words that describe many of the shifts that are about to happen. The two words were "unexpected" and "unconventional."
Cinderella Doesn't Like Matilda - Nathan Shaw
God can use stories and even fairy tales to teach us profound lessons. Recently I woke during the night and heard God say, “Cinderella doesn't like Matilda.” My initial response was curiosity. It seemed such an odd thing to say. I knew the story of Cinderella, but who was Matilda? I vaguely recalled that children's author, Roald Dahl, had written a book called Matilda. I checked my bookshelf. Sure enough I found the book. I set about reading it to see if I could unravel the riddle.
Love Revolutionaries and the Realm of Divine Might - Nathan Shaw
David and his mighty men pioneered a new normal in Israel. Supernatural exploits became common. There were three stages to the process:
- God raised up David as a pioneer.
- David trained a rag tag group of men.
- Within one generation Israel was radically transformed.
Many Davids—both men and women—will arise and pioneer a new normal in our generation. Pioneers open up new realms of experience for others. When this happens that which is rare becomes common.
David and his mighty men were legendary because they operated in the realm of divine might. This realm is available to every Christian: Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might (Ephesians 6:10). At the moment only a small number of Christians operate in the realm of divine might. This is about to change.
Fruitful Vineyards: A Sign of the Harvest – Patricia Sowman
I live in Marlborough, New Zealand. There are many vineyards in Marlborough. It is an expanding industry. I had joined the negative bandwagon that was saying, “There are too many vineyards. When will they stop putting in new ones. There is not space for another crop.” The Lord corrected me and said, “Patricia, do not say that any more. The vineyards are a prophetic barometer about My harvest of souls.”
What Will A Revival Generation Look Like? - Nathan Shaw
In every generation God releases prophetic forerunners that define a new normal. These anointed vessels are often out of sync with the current generation. They come with different values, different perceptions, and different perspectives. These differences often set up a cycle of rejection:
- The current generation feels rejected by the prophetic forerunner.
- The prophetic forerunner is then rejected by the current generation.
Prophets Are Like Herb Gardens - Nathan Shaw
Recently I woke up in the night and heard God say, “Prophets are like herb gardens.” I was intrigued. It made me inquire further, “God, how are prophets like herb gardens?” Herbs have strong flavor. Used well they can radically transform a common dish into something delectable. Used wrongly they can overpower a dish and even make it unpalatable. God is infinitely creative. Every prophet is unique. They each have their own flavor. This is how God intended it to be. But how do we get the right flavors into the right dishes?
Sonship and Authority - Nathan Shaw
Recently a friend of mine kept waking up at 1:11 and 1:22 in the morning. I suggested he look at all the bible verses that relate to these two times and see if the Holy Spirit highlighted anything to him. I decided to look through the bible myself. There were many good verses but I was particularly drawn to Mark 1:11 and Mark 1:22. The revelation in these two verses applies not just to my friend but also to the wider body of Christ.
The main theme of Mark 1:11 is sonship. John the Baptist had just baptized Jesus. Immediately the voice of the Father came from heaven, "You are My beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased."
The main theme of Mark 1:22 is authority: And they were astonished at His teaching, for He taught them as one having authority, and not as the scribes.
Jesus operated in an authority that came from His identity as a son. Sonship is the foundation for kingdom authority.
2016: A Year of Change - Nathan Shaw
2016 is a year of change. Many will begin to operate in greater dimensions of kingdom authority and kingdom provision.
Vision of Pillars and Purple Fabric - Jeanette Dale
As I looked I saw a gateway to the east. Through the gateway I saw many many strong marble pillars standing in position – row after row. The pillars turned into people – married couples and individuals who had believed the word of God and had not wavered. No matter what had happened in the natural they had held on to God's promises.
A Prophetic Perspective - Nathan Shaw
To gain a prophetic perspective for the times in which we live it is important to understand both where we have come from and also where we are going. During the last few decades God has released strategic revelation that is necessary if we are going to walk in our full inheritance. In addition to this God has a prophetic blueprint for the coming days that gives us insight into that which He is requiring of us in the here and now.
Grace And The Finished Work Of The Cross - Nathan Shaw
Grace and the finished work of the cross are foundational concepts in the New Testament. Concepts benefit us little, however, if we don't understand the nuts and bolts of their practical applications in our every day lives. For example, how do we overcome sin and live in righteousness? Does the finished work of the cross mean that we don't have to do anything? The phrase implies that Jesus has already done it all for us. Or do we play a part in accessing this finished work? Is grace automatically bestowed on us or do we play a part in walking in grace?
A New Breed Of Leadership - Nathan Shaw
God is raising up a new breed of leadership. These leaders will open up spiritual gateways that will completely change the shape of the future. Two of the most significant gateways in Israel were the cities of Hebron and Jerusalem. David ruled from Hebron for seven years and then took the stronghold of Jerusalem. Once both gateways were opened God's glory flooded the nation. Jerusalem became established as the joy of the whole earth (Psalm 48:2). Today many gates are waiting for their Davids. The Davids of today include both men and women. They can be found in many diverse situations and circumstances.
Seasons of Harvest - Nathan Shaw
God often speaks through natural events. There has been a lot of flooding throughout New Zealand in the last month (June 2015). New Zealand is a prophetic forerunner nation. Recently I keep hearing a prophetic announcement in the spirit declaring, "It's harvest time!" The announcement has the intensity of a trumpet sound. God announces things so that we can know the season and be ready for the season. Although the following article was originally written in 2005 it is as relevant for today as when it was first written.
An Encounter With Jesus – Sue Nesbit
Twenty years ago I had a powerful encounter with Jesus. Recently God prompted me to share this encounter because of its significance for the times in which we live. I was in a Holy Spirit meeting in the town of Mosgiel, New Zealand. Holy Spirit came upon me powerfully. I was lying on the floor face down and a vision opened before me.
The Love Revolution - Nathan Shaw
There is a poignant moment in the movie "The Fellowship of the Ring." Frodo—a simple hobbit—has been given the mission of destroying the ring of power. Overcome with the enormity of the task Frodo says to the wise and seasoned Gandalf, "I wish the ring had never come to me. I wish none of this had happened." Gandalf answers, "So do all who live to see such times. But that is not for them to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us."
There are powerful moments in history that change the future forever. We live in such a time.
The East Gate - Nathan Shaw
I woke up during the night, looked at the clock and went straight back to sleep. The time was 4:44am. Some time later I realized that God was speaking to me. He led me to Ezekiel 44:4.
Also He brought me by way of the north gate to the front of the temple; so I looked, and behold, the glory of the LORD filled the house of the LORD; and I fell on my face.
Gateway Cities – Nathan Shaw
Most people today have a revival mentality. Revivals come and go. But how do you strategically open a nation so that the glory of God abides there on a continual basis? Firstly you have to discern and open the gateways. Cities are gateways. When heavenly gateways are open, heaven floods through a city. When demonic gateways are open, perversion infiltrates and dominates a city.
Prophecy and Illegal Agendas - Nathan Shaw
Prophecy is a gift given to the body of Christ to bring great blessing. It is a plan of the enemy to take that which God has given and use it for evil. This can easily happen when those with authority from God operate with illegal agendas that are not in line with the government of God's kingdom. Jesus confronted this plainly in the Sermon on the Mount.
Prophetic Words, Accuracy and Timing - Nathan Shaw
Prophesy is a gift given to the body of Christ. If God gives us a gift it is our responsibility to understand why He has given it and how we are to use it. Prophetic words can be powerful. They can impart hope, healing, guidance, direction, vision, strength and many other positive things. They can also protect us from wasting time going in wrong directions or warn us of demonic assignments designed to take us off course. I am truly grateful for the prophetic words I have received. Some of them have been fulfilled already and others are yet to be fulfilled.
Prophetic words that have been fulfilled strengthen us to trust God in greater ways.
Prophetic words that have not yet been fulfilled invite us to trust God in greater ways.
The Wisdom of the Bee - Ian Johnson
I sat with Wisdom as she spoke from the gate.
I awoke with these words.
The Bee goes in search of the pleasure of nectar and as a side issue collects pollen to sustain the life of others. Many think we should be as busy as a bee when in actual fact the bee is in search of the pleasure of nectar. My search therefore is for the nectar of God and in its discovery I am ecstatic with joy. As a side issue the wisdom I collect along the way is yours for free. Therefore I yield to the pursuit of heavens nectar found in HIM.
Explosions of Divine Love - Nathan Shaw
I have just been listening to a song called, Where do you find love?, by New Zealand's Got Talent winner, Clara Van Wel. Here are the lyrics to her song.
I s'pose what I'm really asking is, where do you find love?
I've heard that it's quite a task, now where do you find love?
Some say that it's a mission, where do you find love?
Do we leave it to ambition, where do you find love?
Open Heavens and Sonship - Nathan Shaw
There has been a significant increase in spiritual hunger over the last few decades. Many Christians are no longer content to know about a supernatural God. Instead they yearn to know and experience Him in tangible ways. The phrase "walking under an open heaven" is often used to describe this reality. When there is an "open heaven" God's presence becomes both tangible and recognisable. The atmosphere becomes charged with supernatural energy. Power encounters, visions, healings and other supernatural activities become common. You only have to read revival accounts from past or present generations to realize that we are wired for supernatural. Merely reading about it awakens desire. We want to experience it ourselves.
Dream: Mrs Tipper and God's Favor - Nathan Shaw
Recently I had a dream. In my dream I was talking on the phone to a Mrs. Tipper. She was excited because God had shown her three things that were about to happen in my life. She didn't tell me what the three things were, just that they were going to happen. It was several days later before I realized the meaning of the dream. I was talking with Mrs. Tipper because God wanted to give me a tip off.
The Harvest and The Love Revolution - Nathan Shaw
Recently I keep hearing a prophetic declaration in the Spirit. "It's harvest time!" "It's harvest time!" The declaration has the intensity and urgency of a trumpet announcing something very important. As I hear this declaration I simultaneously see an angel blowing a trumpet. Jesus said that the harvest is the end of the age (Matthew 13:39). He was referring to a supernatural harvest of souls that would be added to God's kingdom. God announces His plans ahead of time so that we can be prepared, ready and alert.
The Coming Glory Dream - Sue Nesbit
There were quite a few people standing on the platform waiting for the train. The style of dress was about 1800. The men looked very smart with suits, walking sticks, hats and bow ties. The ladies had full dresses, hats to match and little umbrellas with frills around the edge. I was standing there with them waiting for the train. Everyone was calm and pleasant.