Heart of David Ministries

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Meeting the Seven Spirits of God – Deborah

The prophet Isaiah reveals seven aspects of God's Spirit (Isaiah 11:2).

  1. The Spirit of the LORD.
  2. The Spirit of Wisdom.
  3. The Spirit of Understanding.
  4. The Spirit of Counsel.
  5. The Spirit of Might.
  6. The Spirit of Knowledge.
  7. The Spirit of the Fear of the LORD.

In the experiences that follow I meet with the Seven Spirits and learn important lessons from them.

The Spirit of Counsel – 3rd of February 2017

I saw a door and was invited to go through it. After I came through the door I was greeted by the Spirit of Wisdom. She gave me a mantle to put on (Wisdom is often personified as a woman in the book of Proverbs). As soon as I put the mantle on my vision was enhanced. The surroundings were instantly more colourful, vibrant and alive. The Spirit of Wisdom took me by the hand and led me further in. I wanted to speak to her but she said, “Be quiet for now. I will explain things as you need to know them.” She knew who I wanted to meet so I relaxed and allowed myself to be led.

We were walking on a path which led into a countryside. It was a beautiful natural setting with no houses or dwellings. The way was rugged. I could feel many watching us as we walked. I could sense their anticipation. I started to ask myself where we were going. Without saying a word the Spirit of Wisdom spoke to my heart: “Relax. I know where we are going, who you want to meet, and even what will happen.” I made a conscious decision to relax. Immediately my vision became even brighter and clearer. The Spirit of Wisdom smiled at me. She knew what I was experiencing. We continued. The more I chose to trust and have faith, the clearer the path became.

Eventually we came to a big tree. There was a person waiting for us. He looked distinguished. I felt awed in his presence. He looked like a gentleman from an old film but his smile was incredible and welcoming. He invited me to join him. After greeting me he said, “It is so good of you to come and search for me. I have been waiting for you. I know that you need me in order to navigate the path that you are on. Mostly people only think about me. Few people actually pursue me—and even then it is mostly only because they are in an emergency. But you need me every day.” I started to speak. He listened in such an incredible and special way. I started to understand things even as I was asking. He expanded my mental ability just by me asking.

He smiled as I was thinking this and said, “Yes this is one of the side effects when you start walking with me. I am here to help you learn and grow. The more you ask the more I will show you. The more you hunger for truth the more you will know that which is true and real and also the directions you should take. Counsel is about pursuing the heart of the Father. As soon as you focus on His heart I come to you and advise you. I reveal His heart and the right way to go about things. I am a passive and an active tutor. When you meet my companion, the Spirit of Might, you will understand why. When you take my advice and action it immediately, you will see mighty exploits. At those times the Spirit of Might will be with you. But you will meet him at another time. There is a season and timing of the Lord to each of these encounters.”

The Spirit of Wisdom – 12th of February 2017

I met the Spirit of Wisdom a second time. She is very patient. She keeps in the background but the presence around her is very attractive. This causes those who are hungry to be drawn to her. This time I was drawn to her by the way she embraced me. Her big arms totally enveloped me. I just wanted to be close and melt into her embrace. It gave me a feeling of safety, rest and calm. All stressful emotions went. She held me until I was totally relaxed and almost giddy. It gave me a new sense of identity and belonging.

She spoke to me while I was in her embrace: “If you embrace wisdom you will know your heavenly DNA. The more you spend time with me, the more you will know the deep things of the Spirit, and I will reveal the mysteries of God. You will come to know the deep love the Father has for you and the rest of humankind. If you stay close and let me embrace you, unauthorized thoughts and emotions will go. You don’t need to perform to earn God’s love. You have heavenly DNA. When you are connected to me and rest in me, Holy Spirit stem cells immediately repair any damage. People often hide from me because they think when they meet me all fun will be gone. They couldn’t be more wrong. In me they will find true freedom. Freedom that leads to outrageous fun and true joy!”

The day after having this experience I read the following passage from the The Message Bible:

You’re blessed when you meet Lady Wisdom, when you make friends with Madame Insight. She’s worth far more than money in the bank; her friendship is better than a big salary. Her value exceeds all the trappings of wealth; nothing you could wish for holds a candle to her. With one hand she gives long life, with the other she confers recognition. Her manner is beautiful, her life wonderfully complete. She’s the very Tree of Life to those who embrace her. Hold her tight—and be blessed! (Proverbs 3:13-18).

A Visit With The King – 23rd April 2017

I saw a door slowly opening and the most beautiful light shining out from behind it. The light was warm and inviting. A path of beautiful stones led to the door. As I came closer I saw a stairway with seven stairs representing the Seven Spirits of God. After this stairway there was another short path and then three steps up to the door.

As I approached I felt an increasing presence of the fear of the Lord. A mantle descended on my shoulders. I felt a hand on my shoulder and elbow as if to assure me that I was not alone. It had looked like a short path but it took a long time to walk it. I needed the length of the path to get accustomed to the strong presence of the Seven Spirits and the gifts they imparted to me. Suddenly I felt a crown on my head and I was wearing another dress. The dress was spun out of light and felt very special.

Wisdom took my hand and we started to skip joyfully down the path. I just knew it: I was going to meet with the King! My heart started to pound with excitement. Suddenly thoughts came on me like unwelcome visitors, “Am I ready? Am I worthy?” The thoughts became accusing, “You will not make it. You have failed so many times.” It made me agitated. The Spirit of Understanding came closer and touched my heart and I was able to think clearly again. “I know I am loved. I am worthy. I have been made clean. I am a daughter of the King—forever and always.” I stopped and started to shout, “I am a daughter of the King!!!” All the unwelcome thoughts were forced to flee.

I could feel the approval of my tutors but could not see or feel them anymore. Still I knew they were there, watching proudly as if I had passed a test and was ready to proceed to the next level. I arrived at the three steps, stopped, and waited. The light spilled out onto me and I was bathed in its warmth. I had no doubt that I was a special guest of the King. I fully expected He would be dressed as a king. I got a big surprise when He appeared as the Lion of Judah. He stood there and just looked at me. He was awesome—huge and beautiful. I stood still at the bottom of the stairs and sank to my knees in awe. Although I could not stand my eyes never left his face. He had the most awesome eyes. I expected them to be brown but they were full of colors that were changing all the time!

After a while He started to speak. I expected He would roar but instead it was a soft whisper. The words went straight to my heart.

“I am so pleased that you have come and that you have passed this test. You are my daughter—uniquely special and precious beyond words. Not only are you invited into My presence, you have access at all times. This is the beginning of a new chapter in your journey. You have traveled well and experienced many things but now you will see more of Me and My kingdom. I am inviting you to the other side of the veil. I want you to be a first witness of things to come and a scribe of the things you experience. You will taste the new wine and be part of the new tribe of the Lion of Judah. You will be a shining one who will carry the beauty of My holiness and the weight of My glory. The sound of My frequency and My power will pour through you. People will be set free and step into My light.”

While He was speaking the light around Him changed. There was so much life in the light. It was alive with sound and color. The light, the sound and the color came around me and soaked right through me. It particularly came around my head and my mouth. I opened my mouth to drink but the most amazing thing happened: I drank it in with my heart but it came out my mouth. The overflow was the most beautiful stream of colors, water and sound that I have ever experienced. It was pure delight. I could not believe that it was coming forth from my mouth.

As I continued the Lion joined me. His sound was the true foundation but I was allowed to translate it through my unique song. Two sounds became one—He in me and I in Him. So this was the origin of the sound of heaven and of the Lord! I fell to my knees again and worshiped. He helped me to worship. I cannot describe it better. Incense and fragrance rose up. The sound amplified as angels joined us.

Suddenly I saw the cloud of witnesses. As one we all sang the new song. The Lion, myself, the angels, the cloud of witnesses—sound within sound within sound. I started to see strands of my spiritual DNA which I had never been aware of before. They were being aligned with and through the sound. Deformities were made right. Healing flowed. The notes went right into my DNA. It was incredible. I became sound.

Meeting Purity, Prudence and Self-Control – 8th of June 2017

I stepped through a door. On the other side I heard a beautiful song. It was of such ethereal beauty that my heart contracted almost painfully. I wanted to find the source of the song so I started to search. The song became louder and louder. It began to penetrate my whole being. My spirit, my soul, my senses, even my body were filled with the frequency of the sound. I also smelt a beautiful fragrance of worship.

Eventually I came to a waterfall. The water before the waterfall was not deep so I waded through it and stood under the cascading water. It was a soft spray of water over me but the sound was overwhelming. As I stood there I saw a door opening through the water and into another realm. The water and the sound filled me, refreshing and energizing every part of my being. I had no fear and went through the door into the unknown. The sound was still there but now it had become very personal. I realized that this was my song, the song my DNA was creating. After going through the water I had a new fullness and a new richness.

I found myself in a hallway. I thought it would be dark but gemstones were shining and giving off an awesome and very beautiful light. The gemstones were blue, emerald green and turquoise. The frequency of the light resonated with me and created an awesome three dimensional harmony—it was as if I could see the sound. The harmony fine-tuned me. Anything in me that disturbed the harmony was polished out and replaced with the perfect sound. This made me so happy. Joy bubbled up and overflowed through me.

As I kept moving I found myself in a bigger room. It was like a living room but more formal. There was light coming from a source that I could not detect. It seemed the light was in the walls and atmosphere itself. It was alive, pure and holy. When I entered the light concentrated in me. As I stood there trying to grasp what was happening someone tapped me on the shoulder.

I turned around and was thrilled to see Purity in a form I could touch. She smiled, embraced me and spoke. “I am so glad you came. I have waited to meet you. You and I will walk together and I will introduce you to some of my friends.” Then I saw Prudence and Self-Control (Proverbs 8:12). I was eager to connect with them because I knew how desperately I needed their tutorage. They smiled when they saw me coming and embraced me as well.

The Lesson – 5th July 2017

I was a bit shy. I knew my thoughts and my speech were not always pure. Not to mention my decisions, which were not always made with prudence. They could read my thoughts and feelings. Wisdom came and stood before me, “My dear girl, look into my eyes and tell me what you see?” She held me very close, nearly an embrace, or as if we were dancing. I looked into her eyes. I could see a reflection of myself but wow, I had never seen myself that way before.

I wore a beautiful white princess dress. It was like the dresses described in old storybooks—the type worn when being presented to society or before a king or queen, a “coming out” dress for girls ready to step into maturity. I was satisfied, radiant, and extremely joyful, but the look on my face also expressed longing and desire for something more. Satisfied but hungry—it was a strange combination.

As I kept looking I felt something changing in my innermost being. Suddenly I felt the loving arms of my Father. Wisdom stepped back and my heavenly Papa embraced me. He whispered in my ear, “Do I not always tell you that you are My Tirzah (Song of Songs 6:4), My beloved, My Hephzibah (Isaiah 62:4)? Believe it. Embrace it. You can trust Me. I know who you really are and how you really look. I see you as beautiful, pure and fully in love with me.”

I became overwhelmed by the proximity of the Father. The song began. It was even more beautiful than before. The fragrance enveloped us. “What you are experiencing is Me and you together. The unique fragrance is your love and My love intertwined. No one else has this fragrance. It belongs to us. Also the sound—it is My song, intertwined with your song—who you are in Me. You are already emanating this sound. As you embrace this it is also how the spiritual world sees you. But the veil is being taken away. You are in your “coming out” season—mature, young and fresh, but not marred by your past, hindered by your hurts, or held back by your experiences! It is a new season and I am your Bridegroom Lover”

As the Father said this He changed into my Lover. I laid my head on His chest. Suddenly I could see His sound and my sound emanating together. It was visible sound DNA. The different strands had shiny colors. His DNA was the gold strand weaving through all and giving it an etheric shine. We danced. The sound DNA was in the middle of us and the sound and the fragrance surrounded us. The longer I danced with Him the more I knew I was the woman I saw in the eyes of Wisdom. He smiled and said, “Yes, when you spend time with Me like this you become aware of how I see you and who you really are with Me, in Me and through Me.”

Then suddenly we stood on the top of a high mountain. A steep ridge fell away below us. He held me close to Himself. The wind was blowing and it was getting cold but I could hide in the strength of His arms. He whispered to me softly but very clear, “Every time you dance with Me in intimacy and you feel the release of the fragrance and the sound it will be a sign that I am calling you to Myself. Then we will fly together and I will show you things to come. You will carry that frequency. If you stay close to Me you will release particles of My glory wherever you go. People will start to see, hear and smell My glory. You will be a carrier of My glory.”

As I stood there all the insecurity in my life started to manifest. I was full of impurity and unworthy of such a high call. I tore myself away from Him, forgetting that I was standing on the peak of a mountain. I fell off the ledge. It was a terrible sensation. I screamed out, “Abba!!!,” but kept falling. Suddenly I felt eagle wings next to me. “Turn around and hold onto Me.” I was falling head first so I had to make a conscious decision to turn myself upright. It took me a while but I no longer felt horrified because the eagle was beside me. After I turned (repented) He came beneath me and I landed safely on His wings.

My breath was ragged and my heart was racing, but I understood the lesson clearly. This was now the season of maturity. Every step had a consequence. I could no longer allow past emotions of fear and failure to dominate. They would cause me to move away from the Lord and start to fall. But even if I did fall I could make a conscious decision to turn myself upright and stand strong. He would always catch me and we would always fly further.

The Spirit of Might – 8th August 2017

I was thinking about the Spirit of Might and suddenly he was there. He took me by the hand. I could not see his features but I could feel his touch and his strength. We started to walk through a tunnel. I could see a light in the far distance but in front of me it was totally black. The light did not blind me—it just served to guide me through the tunnel.

Without warning the Spirit of Might tugged my hand. Straight away I had no physical sight. I could still hear clearly and my ability to smell and feel—both externally with touch and internally with my heart—were heightened. I felt secure as he led me through the dark. He spoke reassuringly, “Your lack of physical sight is for your protection. It prevents you from seeing the things that would frighten you. Relax and see what I am showing you. Look with your inner vision and hear with your inner ears.” I made a deliberate decision to trust him to lead me safely.

As I tuned in with my inner perceptions I saw beautiful blue flowers. I also heard a melody like flowing water. The sight and sound enveloped me with peace and tranquillity. I was able to let go of all control and anxiety. We walked along a small river. I was reminded of another vision in which I was walking along a river in the dark. Reading my mind the Spirit of Might replied, “This is not the same path. You have progressed from that path. This is a new place.” He continued to lead me through his touch. His touch was like the hand of the Father—firm but also full of love and tender care. It made me feel very safe. I longed for my heavenly Father’s touch and realized how much I needed it.

Once again I started to hear the external sounds that surrounded us. The sounds were frightening. The Spirit of Might responded to my fear, “You are now in a season in which circumstances and realities will frighten you if you concentrate on them. But don’t fear. I will show you what to do. See with your spiritual eyes and hear with your spiritual ears. Do this instead of focusing on the people, the situations and the circumstances that surround you. Outward things will try to distract your focus and grab your attention but focus inwards and I will lead you through the dungeon.” I continued to focus on my inner perceptions but suddenly my mind became anxious again. Because I couldn’t see I became hesitant about where I should step. The Spirit of Might interrupted my anxious thoughts, “Every step is a step of faith. Focus on one step at a time. Stand and take a break if you need to, but do not stop, and do not turn around. Never go back.” God had reminded me of this wisdom so many times. I obviously needed to hear it again and again.

As we continued walking the surface of the path changed. Before it had been stony and a little sandy. Now it was softer and slightly muddy. The temperature also changed and the air became fresher. I heard the sound of music again. This time it emanated from the Spirit of Might. The sound went back and forth between us. As it did this the bond between us became even stronger. It made me feel very secure. Without warning the Spirit of Might lifted me into his arms. His strength infused into my weak, pained and inflamed body. The power and the presence of God enveloped me. God spoke directly to my heart, “With trust comes strength, and with strength comes joy. The joy of the Lord is your strength but the reverse is also true—the strength of the Lord gives you joy.”

Suddenly my outer sight returned. Because I was being carried I was looking backwards over the shoulder of the Spirit of Might. I could see my steps in the mud. I was surprised to see that even where the Spirit of Might had carried me it was still my footprints. At that point the footprints were deeper because his might was with me. His voice broke in on my musings, “These are the footprints of eternity. You leave these when you go in my might, my strength, and my joy. If you trust the Lord, see with your inner eyes, and hear with your inner ears, you will walk by faith, and not by sight. David understood this well. That’s why he said, ‘Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will not fear, for You are with me.’ So do not fear. Don’t look at the shadows. Instead, fix your eyes on that which has true substance.”

The Spirit of the Fear of the Lord – 22nd October 2017

As I entered the realm of heaven I was captured by the atmosphere of anticipation. I could hear angels singing, “Holy, holy, holy.” It was a different location than I had been before. It seemed like I was walking through the New Jerusalem. It was beautiful. Everything I saw, walked on, and touched, vibrated with life. I appeared to be totally alone but I knew this was part of my encounter.

I inquired, “Lord, where should I go? What do You want to show me? What do you want to teach me?” I heard no answer but I felt a slight touch on my right shoulder, guiding me into a different direction. I followed this guidance and came to a big hall. Several doors led in different directions. They were all closed so I was unsure where to go. Suddenly I felt the eagle on my left shoulder. He spoke, “You have to make the choice where to go but don’t do it lightly. Choose well.”

I was even more perplexed now. I stood still, calmed myself, and invited Wisdom to walk with me. Wisdom appeared and hugged me. “Well done. I am always there for you when you ask for Me.” “Where I should go?” I asked. “There are several tutors waiting to meet you as well as many in the cloud of witnesses. You need to decide who you would like to meet first. That door will then draw you close and you will be able to enter freely.”

I contemplated for a moment and made a decision. I had not yet encountered the Spirit of the Fear of the Lord. I felt both anticipation and apprehension but I knew it was time to meet Him. One of the doors started to glow and I felt drawn to approach it and enter. As soon as I came to the door I saw that there was no handle. Wisdom explained to me, “It is your hunger and thirst for the mysteries of God which draws you into these encounters.”

I stood before the door and asked the Lord to take me in. I closed my eyes because I was nervous. When I opened my eyes I was in a room filled and lined with red velvet. A sweet fragrance and a blue light came from one of the corners. I approached the corner and paused for a moment. I called out, “Spirit of the Fear of the Lord, will you please reveal Yourself to me?”

For a while nothing happened. Then suddenly the atmosphere changed. A soft wind started to blow and a weight came on me. It wasn’t a heavy crushing weight, rather it covered me like a warm heavy mantle. It filled me with a profound sense of awe. I went down on my knees and fell flat on my face. The presence of the Lord started to fill the room. There was such intense electricity in the atmosphere. I could feel it everywhere around me, like pins and needles on my skin. While I was still face down I felt the urge to sing, “Holy, holy, holy.” I did so with my face to the ground. I could not move.

After a while someone lifted me to my feet and spoke. “I have waited a long time for you to seek Me. I am glad you finally chose to meet Me. I am one who can lead you into the depth of the Father’s heart. I will guide you where you should go. When you have learned to depend on My presence and you know not to move when I am not present, you will have learned one of the greatest lessons of the kingdom.”

I finally opened my eyes as I was curious to see the Spirit of the Fear of the Lord—but I could not see Him. All I could see was an electrified mist that surrounded me. The mist penetrated me deeply. Once again I felt the urge to kneel. The voice said, “Whenever you come to the place of full surrender and give all your strength and ability to the Lord, I will come and fill you. I am the beginning of all wisdom. I will help you to make better decisions.”

His words penetrated me like oil and electricity. It felt like I was standing in a torrent of power. The current seemed to accumulate around the areas of doubt and unbelief still hidden in my heart. It got warmer and warmer and suddenly it felt like I had a raging fire burning within me. It got so intense that I couldn’t bear it any longer. I cried out, “Help me Lord! I know You are a consuming fire! I yield Lord, I yield!” After a while the burning subsided. I knew that He had taken possession of a previously unsurrendered part of my heart. I was no longer holding the reigns. The doubt and fear were gone and instead I had a deep sense of security. It was as if His love had been fire branded into the depths of my heart.

As I lay there I could hear the sound of the angels getting louder and louder. When I opened my eyes I was once again in another place. This time I was close to the throne. I continued lying on the floor, overwhelmed by the presence of the Lord. His presence was indescribable—soft but also firm, hot like fire but cooling like a strong wind. I could hear the water of the river of life. The sound made me thirsty. I cried out, “I am thirsty. Can I come and drink?”

As soon as I said this a well of living water sprung up beside me. I rolled over and submerged myself in its refreshing waters. While I lay in the stream the water pooled around me and created a small lake. Others, who I did not see before, came and drank the water. They were refreshed, cleansed and renewed. Suddenly the Spirit of the Fear of the Lord was with me again.“All the experiences you have had you have been given to share with the people the Lord has assigned to you. Some you are still to meet. Some you have only met recently. Some you have known for years. Now is the time for the water which I am giving you to flow over them as well. Be the dispenser of My glory and My water of life.”

Meeting the Spirit of Understanding – 6th March 2018

I sang the song He gave me:

Music, sound, frequency released
Holiness, fragrance
My Lover, take me higher
Take me deeper into Your heart

The beauty of holiness
Dancing to the tune of Your heart
With You forever
Entwined in Your beauty
Infused by hope and faith

I come, I come to the garden
Meeting with my Lover, my Friend
Hearing, seeing, feeling Your fragrance in the mist of Your glory
Light, music, sound, frequency creating
Frequency pulsating, frequency permeating
Oh the sound of Your heartbeat is intoxicating
Yearning to be, to be, to be within You
Penetrating the veil through my praise—Your high praise
Twirling, surrounding

Face to face
Face to face with You
Lover of my soul
Take me deeper into Your heart
Mysteries of heaven revealed
Light and multi-colors
Penetrating the deep places, healing
Swirling DNA

New Dimensions of His Love

After I finished singing I saw a big strand of DNA swirling before me. It looked like a ladder or a staircase and it was inviting me. To say I was drawn to it would be an understatement. The yearning was so deep it consumed me. I knew if I ascended the staircase I would never be the same. I stepped toward it, slowly at first, but after a few steps desire and yearning overcame me and I started to run. I knew that I was about to encounter the core of the love of God. The very essence of my being started to resonate. The intensity of His love made me breathless, my skin started to tingle and my sound started to break forth—mixing with the vibration of His heartbeat.

I entered a place which looked like a storeroom. It was very distinguished and formal. I knew I was in the treasure room of Heaven. There were many many treasure chests but I was particularly drawn to one of them. I watched as a key turned in its lock and its lid was lifted. Inside was light so pure that I could not look into it. I heard a voice, “Open your eyes and trust to see!” I did as I was instructed. The glaring light made my eyes water. While the tears ran down my cheeks I felt once again something removed from my eyes. It was like a hard scale. I could feel the pain when it loosened itself from my eyes. It fell to the ground and landed with a metallic sound.

The Spirit of Understanding

A voice spoke to me: “The hard scale was your old paradigm of seeing. You had a need to interpret everything you saw. But those times are over. Now you will see and you will hear and you will speak. Your mind will not interpret what you see, it will be crystal clear. I have opened the eyes of your understanding.”

As the voice spoke I couldn’t help but wonder who it was. I continued staring into the glaring light that was emanating from the treasure box. The light spilled out and surrounded me. It started to envelop me from my ankles, reaching my knees, my hips, and then I was fully covered with it. It was no ordinary light. It felt as if it had substance. It was like oil but not sticky at all. The voice spoke again: “I am the Spirit of Understanding. I am closely connected to the frequency of the heart of the Father. You invited me to meet you. I have waited eagerly for this time to come, but I wanted to make sure that I had your attention. I have now been given permission to share with you. I revealed Myself to Paul when he asked to have the eyes of his understanding opened.”

Once again I was speechless. I had not expected this encounter at all. I was now fully covered by the intense light. It no longer hurt my eyes. They had been renewed and re-calibrated. The yearning I had felt earlier returned but with an even greater intensity. I realized that I was about to meet yet another aspect of the Father’s heart and love. The Spirit of Understanding responded to my thoughts: “Yes, you are right.”

When you are in the light you encounter hidden facets of His love and His essence in a very personal way. The sound of His frequency seeps through you and heals you of all deficiency. When you are in the light of His understanding you don’t need to ask anymore, you simply know. He speaks to you in the frequency of His heart—heart to heart and face to face. He no longer has to go through your mind to communicate. Your whole being receives, amplifies and releases the things you hear and see.

While I was trying to process all of this I heard another voice. I remembered the voice. It was Faith. She stepped into the swirling light with me. She embraced me and imparted something into me. It was like a new frequency. My whole body started to vibrate with it. It was as if I could hear the frequency of the light and I felt compelled to sing it. Faith said, “Yes, you are right. You have been given the privilege not just to hear the sound but to see it. You will release it at the appointed time and others will experience it also.”

Meeting John the Beloved

A thought came into my being and I asked, “Can I ask John the beloved to come and meet me. He was the one who saw the voice that was like the sound of many waters.” (See Revelation 1:12, 15). Faith smiled at me, “Finally you get it.” She called out, “John you can come. She is finally ready!” My heart trembled with excitement when I saw a man approaching. He was dressed in exactly the same light that enveloped me. Although he was not a young man he looked incredibly young. I could see the wisdom of the ages on him but his heart was so full of the Father he just could not look old. He had the most beautiful smile I had ever seen and his arms were wide open. As he embraced me something was imparted to me. I recognized the familiar frequency of Papa’s love flowing through him.

He started to laugh. It was a beautiful sound. “Yes my child,” he said warmly. “What you are feeling is the frequency of the Father. He has made it my own and this is what I am here to teach you. Whenever you lay your head on His heart, you become more like Him, but with your own unique blueprint. The Father is not in the business of making clones. He makes original blueprints.” While John was speaking my heart had already understood! I didn’t have to try to be, I simply had to be. My identity came from Papa’s love, not from my performance. John responded, “You are a good student! Faith and I will walk with you in this season until these foundations are firmly established. These are foundations built on top of existing foundations. Your house is made out of precious sardius stones and the light you are now wearing is your garment.”

Faith and John continued to embrace me, one on each side. It was an incredible feeling of love and support but also challenging. Their presence surfaced hidden things in my heart, but there was no condemnation, only love. I wanted to ask John so many things but he just stood there holding me. While he did this I could hear the Spirit of Understanding chuckling. He warmly chided me, “You were so wary to meet me but now you have seen and heard that understanding is Faith based and Love based. They are my close companions. Whenever you need understanding, do not hesitate to come through the sound gate to meet us.”

Meeting the Spirit of Knowledge – 13th May 2018

While I was spending time with the Lord I heard a beautiful song. I also smelt a fragrance like a sun-filled apple blossom. Suddenly I was sitting under an apple tree in a huge field-like garden (Song of Songs 2:3). A Lion approached me, singing His song of love over me. The song and the fragrance mingled together. I was overwhelmed. I felt the breath of the Lion caress my face. My Lover had arrived and I knew that I was in for a beautiful surprise. He laughed with delight, “Yes, my precious girl, you know Me better every time we meet.”

He invited me to climb on His back. Despite His large size, I did so with ease. I could feel the great strength in His body. Suddenly He started to run. I grabbed His mane so that I didn’t fall off. I could feel Him chuckling and felt His approval. I decided to relax and enjoy the ride. We came to a place that looked like a book. The book had petals like a flower. As we drew closer the petals started to open. I could see an array of colors and I knew that the Seven Spirits of the Lord were there waiting for us.

The Lion took a giant leap and jumped through the book. It was like several open books stacked one on top of the other. When we landed we were immediately surrounded by the Seven Spirits. I saw them as the tutors I had met previously, but this time the Spirit of Knowledge was among them. I had not met Him before. He approached me. The Lion told me to slide down and meet Him. The Spirit of Knowledge looked like a college professor and had the brightest most welcoming smile I had seen so far. I couldn’t help but smile. “My precious child, we are here to show you what is to come in this season. It is a new day” (see Song of Songs 2:10-14).

I stood there slightly perplexed because I wasn’t sure what they expected of me. The Lion lovingly pushed me towards the circle of the seven friends. I stumbled towards them as they stretched out their arms to catch me. I turned around to see why the Lion had pushed me. He simply smiled at me. I turned back to the Seven Spirits. The Spirit of Wisdom hugged me. Oh how I loved Her hugs. She held me until I was completely calm…and then released me. Everything had happened so fast and I had needed to regain my equilibrium.

The Spirit of Knowledge put His hand on my shoulder. “Are you ready for Me to take you deeper into your book? This is a new season and a time to move forward.” I started to cry. I felt so small and insignificant in the presence of the tutors. Immediately strong arms wrapped themselves around me. I recognized the Spirit of Might. He whispered into my ear, “Do you still remember the lesson you learned with me last time? Can you trust even if you can’t see the reason?” I hugged Him tightly. Yes, I could definitely remember that lesson from a few weeks ago. I turned to Him and said, “Yes, in all my weakness I am ready. But can I ask You all to go with me.” He looked pleased and before He could speak further the Spirit of Understanding answered, “Of course. We are here at the request of the Father and will help you step into the next season in your book.” I took a deep breath and said, “I am ready!”

The moment I said this I was on the Lion again, along with all my tutors. We started to move extremely fast, but very smoothly. Everything went blurry for a long while. Suddenly there was a beautiful calm. The Lion stopped abruptly, propelling me over His head and onto the ground. I landed on a soft surface. We were in a place which was full of long, soft grass. It smelt awesome—sun filled and calm inducing. I could hear nothing but the purr of the Lion as He stretched out on the grass. The tutors had disappeared but I still felt their presence.

I stretched out next to the Lion and was totally at rest. I did this, even although I had no idea what was happening, or what was expected of me. I just did not care. I was too encapsulated in the presence of the Lion, the beautiful fragrance, and the calming atmosphere. I had experienced this sensation once before when I was in the eye of the storm with the big Eagle. The Lion responded, “Yes, my precious girl, this is to be your default mode. Whenever I ask you to do something do it saturated with My Presence and abiding in My rest. This is the place where you know me as I AM—the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End. I AM your place of rest.”

While He spoke He changed into the Father. I joyfully went closer and rested my head on His chest. There I experienced a profound sensation. It was like a synchronization of our heartbeats. I felt once again His incredible strength but also His untamed passion. I realized that I was resting on the chest of the triune God. I could feel the presence of Father, Son, Holy Spirit and the Seven Spirits, as never before. As I started thinking about the Seven Spirits they manifested in front of me.

The Spirit of Knowledge took me by the hand, pulled me up and started to walk. I was a bit reluctant to go with Him because I wanted to stay longer on God’s chest. He spoke, “Discern the time and the season, my precious girl. You have been recharged already. Now is the time to move forward and fulfill the destiny that you have been prepared for.” I remembered all the changes I had experienced over the last month and I knew this was the truth. Once again I yielded. The Spirit of Knowledge smiled approvingly at my choice. As I walked with Him I was acutely aware of my status—I was in rest. God’s love had restored me. Now I could walk in the destiny He had prepared for me from before the foundation of the earth.

Suddenly I heard the roar of the Lion behind me. It rocked the ground under my feet and resonated into every cell of my body. It was like a commissioning and a command. I knew that whatever was to come would be my assignment. The sound waves of the roar started to pick me up. I looked for the Spirit of Knowledge. Suddenly I could hear His laugh. He was already in front of me. “When you walk on and in the frequency of the Lion’s roar you will be ahead. Ahead in knowledge, ahead in love, and ahead in suffering. Sound and frequency are friends to you. Many times you will step through the sound gate where I will use you to destroy the sound of darkness. You will bring forth sounds of deliverance and sounds of freedom. My sound is the sound the world needs to hear. It will bring hope and joy.”

The Lion and the Deep – 3rd June 2018

Before me was a half opened door. It was surrounded by overgrown plants. I gave the door a push. It creaked as it opened. I tentatively stepped through the door, unsure what to expect. On the other side of the door thick bushes forced me to crouch on my knees. After I scrambled through the bushes I was rewarded with a beautiful view. I seemed to be on a hill top. I could see a mountain not too far off. There was also a lake and many trees and bushes. I heard a lot of birdsong. The sound was overwhelming and delightful. It unraveled me.

Unsure about what I should do I waited and enjoyed the scenery and the surroundings. Suddenly behind me I heard the song of the Lion again. I could not catch the words but I could hear the beautiful melody. I turned around and there He was in all His splendor and majesty! I ran towards Him so I could hug Him. He was so tall that I could stand to my full height and put my arms around His neck and grab His mane. His song still captured me but now I could discern the words clearly. “Come to me. You are mine. I am your Beloved and you are Mine. Come closer. Come closer. Come closer.”

In response I asked Him to lie down, which He did. I snuggled myself between His paws and His chest and sighed with deep satisfaction. I felt I had come home once again. He said nothing but kept on humming His song over me. A supernatural peace descended on me. I stayed in this awesome closeness for a long time until I totally lost any sense of time. His sound and His heartbeat permeated me. It was amazing.

Suddenly I felt a change in the rhythm of His heartbeat. It became more accentuated, changing from a “love beat” to a “war beat.” I sat up and tried to detect what was happening. He responded to my thoughts. “You are in a special season now. I will commune with you, and when you are saturated with My presence I will show you what is to come, where I want you to go, and what exploits I want you to do. Many come to be filled so that they can do something. You have learned to first come and soak in Me. You have learned a vital lesson. You will share this lesson with many other eagles and lovers. Behold! Now is the season when you will step into new dimensions and experience and see secrets that I have kept until now. Take the secrets and pull them into the seasons to come.”

I was speechless, but He gave me no time to ponder. He stood up and moved towards the lake. I walked by His side. He turned His head towards my ear and spoke softly, “Do you trust me?” I swallowed hard. Each time He had asked me this question deeper levels of trust were called for. The past experiences had taught me to trust Him even if it was not easy. I looked deeply into His eyes and said, “Yes, where you go, I will go. You promised You would never leave me nor forsake me. Let this be enough for me.” He smiled and suddenly I felt someone walking next to me. I was delighted to discover that it was Faith. She had another friend with her. I had seen the friend before but I had not really engaged with her. She came close to me and introduced herself, “I am Hope. It is so good to finally engage with you!”

I stood by the lake surrounded by the Lion, Faith and Hope. I was in the presence of Faith, Hope and Love because God is Love! The Lion started to walk towards the shore of the lake. He turned around to see if I was following. I had no idea where He could lead me but I chose to follow Him anyway. He stepped into the water and started to swim. Because I am not such a good swimmer I went into the water, scrambled up His back, and grabbed His mane. The water was cold but tolerable. As He was swimming He asked me once again, “Do you trust me?” In that moment I decided to let go of the fear that was rising up in me. He was waiting for me to answer.

When I said yes He suddenly dived into the deep of the lake. I just had time to grab His mane and gulp for air before the water went over my head. I had never been able to swim with my eyes opened but now it was very easy. There was both sound and light. All was amplified in the water. He spoke to me as we dived deeper and deeper, “I will show you the mysteries of the deep and things yet unseen. Trust is the key that will unlock those mysteries. I have called you to be of the ‘sons of Issachar.’ You will need to stay close to Hope and Faith to understand the things that will be unveiled”.

I didn’t fully comprehend what He was saying but just held onto His mane. We now went very deep. I could feel the pressure on my ears. Suddenly my ears popped and I heard Faith speaking to me, “You have now entered the realm of supersonic sound. Only those who have tapped into the mysteries of the deep can hear this sound.” I heard the sound of many waters. It was as if I could hear every wave and the echo of the water itself. The sound and the echo amplified inside my body. The sound was specifically for me and my body absorbed all of it. It combined itself with my own sound.

Suddenly I became aware of Hope again. She spoke inside my heart and through the echo of the sound waves. I tried to listen to what she was saying. All this time I was connected with the Lion, holding His mane, and sitting on His back. Suddenly I was no longer sitting on Him. I was swimming alone! It was pitch black. It seemed like all light had gone out. My first reaction was to panic and push myself up to the surface.

Immediately I heard the voice of the Lion, Hope and Faith. They were speaking in unison from within the treasures of my heart. Faith said, “You have the substance within you to see with my eyes, so please do so.” Hope spoke softly but with great authority, “You are now learning that Trust and Hope and Faith are all connected in a unique frequency. Switch from your frequency to our frequency. Let go of your own thoughts and negative experiences. Step into the ‘deep cries out to deep’ frequency.”

Once again I made the decision to let go of fear and panic. I relaxed in the knowledge of the invisible presence of my Lover. I went from seeing with my natural eyes to seeing with the eyes of faith. Suddenly everything started to light up around me. It was breathtaking. I could see every minute detail, every little plant, and every little creature.

The Lion and the Deep Part 2 – 5th June 2018

I found myself in the deep again. This time I was surrounded by luminescent treasure. There were treasure chests, caves with gemstones, scrolls, and loose coins. It looked like a treasure hoard that had been collected a long time ago and stashed away. I was drawn to a specific treasure chest. It was big and looked very heavy. It had a large lock on the side, but I had no key. Suddenly I remembered the words of the Lion, “Trust is the key.”

As I stood there, contemplating the Lion’s words, I heard a faint whisper in my heart. It was Faith speaking to me, “Trust is a substance in your heart. How will I materialize?” I remembered the scripture, “Faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God” (Romans 10:17). I also remembered the many times I had encountered the Word as a sword. It had power to set people free, open doors and break chains. I boldly declared in my heart, “Word of God, Truth of the living God, please be with me and open this treasure chest.” Nothing moved or changed. I was perplexed.

Once again I heard Faith’s voice, “Whoever lacks wisdom must ask” (James 1:5). I prayed, “Spirit of Wisdom and Spirit of Understanding, and whoever else can help me to unlock this mystery, please come and guide me?” The Spirit of Understanding responded, “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of all wisdom” (Proverbs 9:10). I realized that this was a hint to invite the Spirit of the Fear of the Lord as well. As I did this more revelation came to me.

The Spirit of Understanding continued, “When you are in the ‘deep cries out to deep’ frequency, you are utterly dependent on your Father, Jesus and Holy Spirit. But understand that we are part of the heart of the Father and we are in the Father. You also are in the Father and in the Son and are one with us as you are one with them” (John 17:21). I eagerly received this truth but knew that I needed to eat it also. Immediately after eating it the sound of many waters increased. It started to sound like a mighty orchestra again, but different than before. It was loud, but also silent, a hidden sound which only I could hear.

Faith continued, “Yes, you are right! When you are in the ‘deep cries out to deep’ frequency, the thoughts of the symphony of the living God and the four living creatures before His throne are audible to you!” I want you to embrace and engage this sound as it is part of the sound you will release on earth. A part of me wondered why I was under the water. The Spirit of Wisdom continued, “When you are in the water of His presence, your sound frequency is amplified. This is what is happening within your body. Your ability to hear this frequency is continually being increased. You can emerge or take as much as you want. As always, the choice is yours.”

Because I was still shaken by the encounter I didn’t really want anything. Regardless, I knew I had to make a decision. I tentatively took a couple of steps into this new dimension of sound. I immediately felt the agreement of the Lion and all the tutors. I stepped further into the darkness, towards the treasure chest, until I was very close to it. I spoke out of the substance that was in my heart, “As deep cries unto deep, I ask, declare, and decree this mystery to be revealed. I am a son of the living God and now is the time and the season for you to come forth.” The words vibrated and echoed in the water. The last words resonated over and over like an echo...of an echo..of an echo. “Come forth...come forth...come forth,” until it was like a multitude of rolling voices that increased until it thundered. The sound was so majestic and beautiful and full of authority that I struggled to believe it was my own voice.

The treasure chest started to open. I was apprehensive and fearful. I had no idea what was inside. The chest did not open further and I realized that my fear was keeping it from being fully revealed. Knowing that His perfect love drives out all fear, I called out, “Lion of Judah, please help me to overcome this fear.” I immediately felt His paw on my shoulder, but I could not see Him. His gentle touch reassured me. I took a deep breath and stepped closer to the chest. I touched the lid. The chest opened revealing an enormous dark red ruby. I could feel its vibration and frequency. It touched something deep inside of me. I knew I had to climb into the chest. Because of the large size of the chest it took all of my strength to climb in. I felt the Lion breathing on me. Suddenly I had enough courage and strength to overcome the last obstacle towards the mystery.

I heard a clock ticking—this had something to do with times and seasons to come. I sat down next to the massive ruby. It’s light got stronger and stronger until it overshadowed me. I sat totally still and waited. I heard the voice of the Lion again, “Do you still trust me?” I responded, “I do not understand anything, but nevertheless I decide to trust you.” He chuckled. I could hear and feel Him breathing on me once again. The whole chest started to vibrate. The vibrations formed a frequency and the frequency became a roar. I was in the midst of the roar of the Lion of Judah! It consumed my whole body and emanated from inside of me. As it released out of me, strongholds within me were shattered. A red liquid coming from the ruby replaced the strongholds with heavenly substance. Scrolls, books of knowledge, and books of wisdom poured into me. Wisdom laughed, “Yes, you are given the privilege to be infused with some of the mysteries of the age to come and those of the deep places. We will teach you how to release it through your lifestyle and into your assignments.”

After a long while a thought entered my mind and I asked my friend, the Spirit of Understanding, “Is this part of the revelation of the things to come? And does this revelation carry the responsibility of the sons of Issachar to speak forth the times and the seasons?” He smiled, “Yes, My child. And it also means that there is less of you and more of the kingdom and the heavenly spheres within you. Are you willing to let go of the earthly identity that you worked so hard to establish? Are you willing to become that which was planned for you from before the foundation of the world? You can decide to step into this in the same way that Jesus decided to be poured out as a drink offering before His Father.” I trembled but nodded at the same time. I had such a strong desire to be all that I was made to be. The impartation ended and I was lifted out of the chest. I found myself once again on the back of the Lion. We ascended to the surface with incredible speed. It felt like we were flying.

Suddenly I was standing next to the lake on dry ground. I was totally dry. The Lion laughed at my surprise. I joined Him. Something about the whole encounter was hilarious. After we finished laughing, He sat down and looked once again into my eyes—oh how I love His blue eyes. “From today onwards fear and rejection will have no place in you! They can still come in if you allow them, but they have no place in My kingdom. Whenever you feel insignificant, fearful, or unloved, remember that I have chosen you. I have imparted into you some of the treasures of the mysteries to come. You will be a part of the release of the ‘last days’ message. The words, sounds, and frequencies that I have imparted into you today, will always be within you. When I tell you to do so you will release them like little gemstones of My glory. Sometimes it will be to many people, other times it will be to just one person. I want you to know that I have set you apart and that you are a vessel of My glory. Live and walk in this covenant, covered by the mantle of humility. Be available and ready to move whenever I prompt.”

With these words He was gone. I was left sitting by myself, overwhelmed. I cried out, “Dear tutors, please come and help me understand and digest this encounter?” Immediately the seven spirits were around me. Each of them added something to the downloads I had received. It was incredible. It was like they had a mystery code and suddenly the books, scrolls, and frequencies were stored in a specific order and time frame. I was no longer confused or overwhelmed, but totally peaceful. While they ministered to me I could feel the humming of my sound and DNA. They stepped back and looked at me with both excitement and awe.

Suddenly I saw myself in the mirror of the lake. I was once again dressed as the bride, seated on my horse. The seven colors of the rainbow surrounded me like a veil, but I was also a warrior and a daughter. I could see myself with the eyes of the Spirit of Understanding, the Spirit of Wisdom, and the Spirit of Knowledge. I too was awed. I fell to the ground and worshiped my Beloved. Weak with love I sang, “Deep cried out to deep, as You met me in the river of Your mercy. Holy, holy, holy are You. In the midst of the darkness we will see a light. You are the Light, the Rock of my salvation, and the Lover of my soul. Healing and power and love flows from You. With all that I am, with all that I have, with all that I ever will be, I worship You.”

Suddenly I could see all the angelic hosts. We all bowed down together and worshiped Him—the Alpha and Omega, the creator of all mysteries, the One who was, and who is, and who is to come, the One who has chosen to covenant with me! Selah!

Meeting the Spirit of the LORD – 22nd July 2018

I saw a gate which looked like a picture from an old English garden. The gate was slightly ajar. Through the gate I could see a rugged path laid out inbetween fields of flowers and grass. I could hear a beautiful song. The countryside was hilly and I could only see to the next curve in the road. Curious, and full of anticipation, I stepped into the garden. I was not disappointed.

Meeting Hope

A short distance away was a very beautiful, slender lady. She was dressed elegantly, yet simply. She walked leisurely. When she saw me she turned to me, smiled, and called me to herself. I ran towards her and we met beneath a tree. I became even more excited when I recognized that it was Hope. She embraced me and kissed me on both cheeks. My body was instantly filled with warmth and a tingling sensation. Taking my hand we moved towards the rugged path I had seen from the gate.

There were many beautiful wildflowers. I could still hear the song. The sound actually came from nature itself. This was fascinating. I smelt a fragrance that I recognized and knew someone else was coming to meet us. Hope knew what I was thinking, “You have asked to meet the Spirit of the Lord. Today is the day when you will meet Him.” My heart raced with excitement. I stopped walking and sank into the fresh green meadow.

Hope sat down next to me and pulled me into another embrace. The warmth and tingling I felt before became much more intense. Something heavy dropped from my heart, my emotions, and my soul. I could breathe easier and I realized I had carried a weight with me in the last weeks which was not mine to carry. I started to cry and laugh at the same time. A song overflowed from my heart: “You bring freedom! Life and hope is your nature. When you touch me, my heart can be free. My heart is filled to overflowing and I do not fear.”

Hope started to sing with me. It was an overwhelming duet—beautiful, tender, and powerful. To my amazement new creation formed! Our song was creating beauty and new pathways. As we sang, more and more pathways were created. New flowers and fields sprung up. Everything became multidimensional. Everything was moving and alive and full of sparking energy. The song was in the wind and the wind was in the song! We were moving as well, dancing and twirling with the freedom that little children have. Suddenly the whole landscape looked alive. It was charged with an energy and brilliance so strong that it actually felt alive.

Hope explained, “When you are filled with hope and release the song of hope, things start to look the way they were meant to be in the beginning. It is the way the original intent of the Father gets released through you. Whenever we lose hope and take the weight and burden of the world and do not allow the Spirit of the Lord to guide and lead us, all is bleak and hard.” While she spoke I felt someone else approaching. I looked around and then I saw Him.

Meeting the Spirit of the Lord

He didn’t appear as a person but was full of colors. Every color from the full spectrum of light reflected from Him. Suddenly I remembered—He was the one who connected all the seven spirits like the central lamp in the seven branched candlestick. I did not know if I was to approach Him. I turned to Hope but suddenly she was not visible to me any more. The Spirit of the Lord looked like a mist or a rainbow or a gemstone. He invited me to step into Him. I did not know how He communicated this to me. I took tentative steps until I was very close to Him.

Finally I stepped into the light, the mist and reflections of the glory of the Lord! I did not know what to expect but what I experienced was incredible! It was as if all the previous experiences I had had with the seven spirits were wrapped up in Him: the embrace of the Spirit of Wisdom; the deep voice of Spirit of Counsel; the strength of the Spirit of Might; the touch of the Spirit of Knowledge; the mist of the sound of Understanding; and the mystery of the Spirit of the Fear of the Lord. The Spirit of the Lord chuckled, “Yes! I am in them and they are in Me, as you learned last time. When you are in the Father and in Christ all of us are within you as well. We are one just as they are one.” What a mystery revealed. They all emanated the incredible presence of the Father. I stood perfectly still and bathed it all in.

Suddenly the Father was right next to me! He turned me to Himself and looked me in the eyes. I started to weep like a little girl. It was not a cry of sorrow or fear but of comfort and safety. It felt like I had come home again but it was deeper and closer than before. Suddenly I knew that my Lover, the One who fills all in all, was there also (Ephesians 1:23). The Father drew me into His loving embrace. Oh, what an amazing experience—the embrace of the Father, my Lover and the Spirit.

The Men in White Linen

Suddenly the host of heaven and the cloud of witnesses appeared. I could also see and recognize many of the men in white linen—Elijah, Enoch, Daniel and John the Beloved. I stood there in total ecstasy. I got so overwhelmed that I closed my eyes. Suddenly I heard the familiar voice of Faith speaking softly in my ear, “They are coming towards you and want to meet you.” I opened my eyes and nearly fell to my face as the light emanating from them was so strong. It was like a wall of living light around them.

Elijah spoke first, “My child, you are now stepping into the next level of your book!”

As he said this, Daniel handed me one of the scrolls he was carrying (Daniel 12:4)! When He handed the scroll to me I had to grab it with both hands. It was extremely heavy because it carried the weight of God’s glory. I nearly stumbled and then mumbled, “Who am I Lord. I am of unclean lips and I am not worthy. Only You are worthy!” As soon as I said this the Father came close, lifted my chin and looked at me. With deep love and firmness He said, “Remember, My daughter, that is the old, and it is over! I have entrusted you with the mysteries of the age to come and if you will step into it now, I will release this scroll into you.” I sank to my knees with the scroll in my arms and said, “Be it unto me as You say. I am Yours!”

Next Enoch came to me. He added a key to the scroll in my arms. It was the key to one of my next assignments.

Then Ezekiel came close and touched my forehead. “Remember the first time I spoke to you many, many years ago? This is now the time when I will make your forehead as strong as bronze. You will speak and not be moved by people’s reactions” (Ezekiel 3:8-10).

Elijah joined Enoch and Ezekiel and added, “You will call the sons back to the Father, and you will mingle your sound with the eternal sound of creation. As you have heard the ‘deep cries out to deep’ frequency so you will hear the cry of the Father for His children…all His children…both believers and those who do not yet believe. Release the sound of the Father’s love through the sound He has given you and I will give you the governmental authority so that people will listen.”

After he had said this, all the host, and the cloud, and the rest of the men in white linen started to clap with an incredible rhythm. It was like a thunderous heartbeat. It permeated my physical body and became part of me. With this I knew that all who were surrounding me were part of what I was assigned to be and to do.

Lastly John the Beloved came up to me. He looked at me with his beautiful eyes. His eyes reminded me so much of the Lion of Judah. They were also so incredibly blue. He smiled and said, “Yes cherished one, this is a principle. What you behold, you become! We are being transfigured into His very image as we move from one level of glory to another. And this glorious transfiguration comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit. As you see with the eyes of love you become love. Love is the core of the Father and the essence of your song and your sound. Love is not that which the world is making it out to be. Love is who He is. Love is the sound you will release. If you behold Him and become like Him, others will behold you and they will become like Him as well!”

Once again I just stood there, amazed and humbled by all what had transpired. My only desire was to bow and worship Him. I fell to my knees and then to my face and started to release my song of worship and adoration. I felt a fluttering movement next to me and heard the beautiful sound of Hope and Faith joining me. As if this was not enough, all of the host, the cloud, the men in white linen, and all of creation joined me in our eternal purpose as we sang in unison the song of eternity: “To Him who sits on the throne belongs all glory and honor and power. He who was, and is, and is to come. He who is the “I AM” and created all things. He alone is worthy.”

© 2017-2019

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