Heart of David Ministries

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Divination vs. Divine Mandate: Contention in the United States

by Nathan Shaw

One of the biggest keys to victory in any battle is understanding the nature of the battle. The spiritual battle raging in the United States is a battle between divination and divine mandate. To the undiscerning divination and mandate can look similar, but under the surface they are vastly different. Here are some foundational differences:

  • Divination demands, mandate commands.
  • Divination threatens, mandate inspires.
  • Divination operates by control, mandate operates by free-will.
  • Divination establishes false narratives, mandate establishes the blueprints of heaven.

In October 2019 the Holy Spirit alerted me to the intense political battle that President Trump was facing at that time. I wrote about this in an article released on the 12th of October 2019. Since that time things have become even more intense—in the last three months Trump has survived two assassination attempts! The words of my article seem to be even more prophetically significant now than when they were first written five years ago. The following section on divination is an excerpt from my 2019 article.


At the start of October [2019] I read Psalm 55:9, “For I see violence and strife in the city.” Instantly the Holy Spirit alerted me to the political storm that President Trump is facing. Psalm 55 gives strategic revelation about what is going on and insight about how we can pray. In Psalm 55 David cries out to God with great anguish: “My thoughts trouble me and I am distraught because of what my enemy is saying, because of the threats of the wicked; for they bring down suffering on me and assail me in their anger” (Psalm 55:2-3).

David was distraught because of words spoken against him. The words were demonically empowered. Divination takes human counsel or demonic counsel and speaks it out as if it is God’s counsel. Divination empowers false words with such certainty that they seem to come from God Himself—in other words, they sound divine. Divination causes false words and false narratives to appear as the truth. The assignment coming against David was so powerful it was even operating through a close friend (Psalm 55:12-14, 20-21).

David graphically describes the situation: “For I see violence and strife in the city. Day and night they prowl about on its walls; malice and abuse are within it. Destructive forces are at work in the city; threats and lies never leave its streets” (Psalm 55:9-11). These words could as easily apply to the present situation in Washington DC. There are two powerful declarations from Psalm 55 that we can speak into the situation:

  1. Lord, confuse the wicked and confound their words (Psalm 55:9).
  2. Lord, even though many oppose President Trump, rescue him unharmed from the battle waged against him (Psalm 55:18).

Despite the intensity of the situation, David was certain God would hear his cry for help: “Evening, morning and noon I cry out in distress, and He hears my voice” (Psalm 55:17). Divine help is needed to break the assignments of jealousy and divination that are aligned against the President. No matter how intense it gets, pray fervently and declare boldly until the truth is revealed and the narrative changes.1


Samson also cried out to the Lord in great distress. He had experienced several victories against the Philistines, but by Judges chapter 15 he found himself in a position of imminent defeat. At that time Samson lived in a remote cave in the territory of Judah. The Philistines demanded that the tribe of Judah hand him over to them. Samson agreed that if the men of Judah promised not to kill him they could hand him over. Samson was delivered to the Philistines with his hands tied by two new ropes.

Empowered by the Spirit, Samson broke the ropes, picked up the closest thing at hand—the jawbone of a donkey—and slayed a thousand Philistines with it! After slaying the Philistines Samson was thirsty to the point of death. In desperation he cried out to the Lord and God caused a spring of water to bubble up from the ground. Samson named the spring En Hakkore which means “spring of the one who cries out.” These stunning displays of God’s power caused Israel to acknowledge God’s mandate on Samson.

Twice in quick succession Samson had found himself in dire situations and twice God had delivered him. The final result, however, was much bigger than Samson’s personal deliverances. Samson went on to lead the tribes of Israel for twenty years, and further to this, the territory of Judah obtained a spring of water that blessed not only Samson’s generation, but also many future generations (Judges 15:18-20). The spring of water at En Hakkore became a continual prophecy of God’s desire to deliver and sustain Israel.

In 2017 I wrote the following: “I believe that President Trump will find himself in a position like Samson in Judges 15 where his hands are tied and it looks like imminent defeat. God’s Spirit will empower and inspire him to use a strategy that is both unexpected and unusual. It will totally turn the situation around and cause people to acknowledge God’s mandate on him.” 2 Although this prophecy can definitely be applied to recent events I have a sense that it still has a future fulfillment. Here is the sequence of events:

  1. An appearance of imminent defeat.
  2. A Spirit-inspired strategy that is unexpected and unusual.
  3. A dramatic turnaround.
  4. An acknowledgment of God’s mandate.

I believe God is right now raising up key players that will lead the United States over the next twenty years. Like David, and like Samson, it’s time to cry out to God. The soul of a nation and the destiny of many nations is at stake. The cry of God’s people will help break the assignment of divination and release the authority of divine mandate.

1 Prayer Alert for President Trump (2019 Article) & A Defining Moment of History, p. 39-41
2 God's Plans for the Nations (2017 Article) & A Defining Moment in History, p. 24

© 2024 Nathan Shaw.

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Endorsement from Linda Valen (Master Potter Ministries):

There are many prophetic voices in America who are trumpeting the heart of God in this hour, but Nathan Shaw is from New Zealand! God has given him His heart for America to sound the trumpet too!

This is not a book you can read quickly! Time is needed to ponder the prophecies and let them marinate in your spirit. Their significance, along with the scriptures, teachings, revelation and insight accompanying the prophecies makes this a very important book to read.

Some of the prophecies were given four years ago and attest to the accuracy of the words since they are evident presently!! There are also many “now” words given in 2020 for America as well as other nations.

I highly recommend Nathan’s book.

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