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Sonship and Authority - Nathan Shaw

Recently a friend of mine kept waking up at 1:11 and 1:22 in the morning. I suggested he look at all the bible verses that relate to these two times and see if the Holy Spirit highlighted anything to him. I decided to look through the bible myself. There were many good verses but I was particularly drawn to Mark 1:11 and Mark 1:22. The revelation in these two verses applies not just to my friend but also to the wider body of Christ.

The main theme of Mark 1:11 is sonship. John the Baptist had just baptized Jesus. Immediately the voice of the Father came from heaven, "You are My beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased."

The main theme of Mark 1:22 is authority: And they were astonished at His teaching, for He taught them as one having authority, and not as the scribes.

Jesus operated in an authority that came from His identity as a son. Sonship is the foundation for kingdom authority.

Relationship or Performance

Sons draw their strength from relationship rather than performance. We can be so busy doing things for God that we forget to simply be with Him. There is a big difference between working for the Father and working with the Father. The Father is relational. He is always speaking (Matthew 4:4). We must be careful that our busyness for the kingdom doesn't drown out His voice. Much of the church is addicted to the rush of adrenaline that comes from performance and achievement. There is, however, a far more powerful motivating factor. It is simply this: Knowing that we are loved. Love is the greatest motivating factor. When we mature in love we will be strong enough to withstand the testings of Satan (Mark 1:12-13).

Security or Approval

Sons are secure because they know the Father's approval. They don't need the approval of others (Galatians 1:10). If approval means too much to us we will interpret correction and discipline as rejection. Sons welcome correction and discipline. It is a sign that they are loved (Hebrews 12:5-6). Sons work hard because they are loved, they don't strive for approval or recognition. They know when to rest and they know when to work. Whether they are resting or working they delight in the Father's pleasure.


Sons submit to the agenda and timing of the Father (John 5:19). Jesus was always God's son but it was only at the age of thirty that He demonstrated the full authority of that sonship through His public ministry. Patience is a fruit of the Spirit. Impatience is a work of the flesh. Acting prematurely is always costly. Right before Jesus started His public ministry Satan offered Him all the kingdoms of the world if He would only bow down and worship him. Jesus had come to redeem the kingdoms of the world but He would do it three years later through His death on the cross. Satan tempts us to act prematurely and without embracing the cross. God's timing is always perfect.

A New Authority

Jesus said it plainly - I and the Father are one (John 10:30). Humanity is crying out for relationship with their Father. Without this relationship they are lost. When they see the Father in us we become the Father's invitation for them to come home. Lost humanity will recognize the authority that comes through sonship because they are created and mandated to walk in that authority. The authority that comes through sonship gives people security, confidence and hope.

Right now there is a major shift happening in the body of Christ. This shift is to do with the way we carry authority. Transitions can be turbulent. The end result of this transition is going to be glorious. It's time to walk in the authority of sonship.

© 2016 Nathan Shaw.

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